Sunday, 3 November 2013


TEXT:     MATHEW 24: 33-36

33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see ALL these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.


When is the day of return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, to rapture His saints? Before you say the answer, let me quickly say it, because, I know that you know the answer. Nobody knows the day. Even, unbelievers know that nobody knows the day. Mathew 24:36 clearly says that nobody knows.

And so, because nobody knows the day, when you try to sensitize some Christians that the day of rapture is near so that they can begin to prepare, they quickly retort: nobody knows the day. And they begin to live a lukewarm/lackadaisical life again. How can you sensitize them to prepare for a day that nobody knows? They begin to pray for prosperity and concentrate on worldly things as if though, ‘nobody knows the day’ means ‘the day will never come’.

Even though we don’t know the day, the day will still come. That is the absolute truth. But are we totally ignorant of this all-important day? NO! Our God will not keep us in darkness. Look at Mathew 24:33. It says when we shall see ALL of certain things, then the day which we don’t know is at the door.

Supposing you are coming back home from your office and you have reached the door of your home, how close to or how far from your home are you? You are as close or as far as being in your home. That is the reality. And this is what our Lord, Jesus Christ, was telling us. He went further to even say that the generation that witnessed ALL these events happen together will not pass before the day or rapture comes. Our Lord has already given us enough clues: watch to see that ALL THE THINGS HE SAID ARE HAPPENING, ALL AT THE SAME TIME, then know that THE DAY IS AS CLOSE AS BEING AT THE DOOR OF YOUR ROOM if you see ALL the things happen.

What more can we do? All we have to do is to examine clearly to see that all the things HE said are happening. Then we should begin to pray and prepare (Luke 21: 36) to be worthy instead of praying for money.

One stunning fact is that not at any time in all history of creation had ALL these things happened at the same, nor will there be any other time they will happen altogether, except the time Jesus Christ is to return (rapture). So any Christian that is not ready to examine and watch but just goes about and says we don’t know the day is lazy and lukewarm and does that at his own peril (destruction).

So lets examine together, the signs HE and other prophets/apostles gave us and I live you to judge whether ALL these thing are happening or not. Welcome to 50 signs of rapture/end-time.


1-Wars/Violences (Mathew 24:6); Some of the countries fighting war include Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Mali, Somalia, and many more. Others witnessing violences like terrorism/deadly protests include Nigeria, Egypt, Palestine, Israel,

2- Famines/Expensive Cost of Food (Mathew 24:7); Ask our mothers and wives and they will give you feedback on how prices of food items are rising daily. Somalians are dying in large numbers because they have no food to eat.

3-Incurable Diseases (Mathew 24:7); Since HIV/AIDS came out in 1986, AIDS has killed more than 30 million people and more than 70 million people are living with HIV and yet there are no cures. Others include HEPATITIS B, HEBOLA VIRUS, SARS and so on. Even those that have cure like typhoid fever have become so difficult to cure.

4- EARTHQUAKES & DISASTERS (Mathew 4:7); Earthquakes are now happening so frequently. See some of the recent earthquakes across the world in the link below.

To see a record of how many earthquakes have happened in the last one month or on daily basis across the world, you can see the url below.

5- False Pastors/Prophets/Religious Leaders (Mathew 24:11); I believe this should be no news to you. There are so much deception and corrupting of gospel now. This is very pathetic.

6- Deceptions (Mathew 24:11); Internet fraud,  election rigging, fake manifesto, false miracles, and so on belong here. Some of these things are so common in some parts of Africa.

7- Intensified Evangelism (Mathew 24:14); Even though, there is no generation that is into sin like this one, yet, there is no generation that experienced intensified evangelism like. The gospel has reached every nation on earth. The gospel is now been shared through various media like internet, television, gsm and so on. Bibles are available for free download on the internet and many handheld phones have bible. Even messages preached in churches can be recorded on gsm phones and shared via bluetooth. The reach of the gospel is wider than ever, now.

8- Some Arab Nations Will Seek To Wipe Out Israel (Psalm 83: 1-8); Israel is witnessing the kind of hostility it has never witnessed before, from its Arab neighbors like Iran, Palestine and such. There is a teaching coming out about this. You can make a request.

9- Hatred/Wickedness (Mathew 24:10); Abundant hatred and wickedness have filled the hearts of many people. People are easily provoked to anger these days. Bus conductors, passengers, security men, market women, youth and all category of people behave as enemies to one another in any little provocation.

10- Homosexualities (2 Timothy 3:2); This is marriage between a man and a man, or between a woman and a woman. Presently, about 15 countries have approved this type of marriage, worldwide. Pray that Nigeria will not approve this marriage. Otherwise, judgement of God will come swiftly upon us. If you are an homosexual, you can repent today and ask Jesus to deliver you.

11- Increased vegetarianism (1 Timothy 4:3); Many people are from eating meat now, like the Bible predicted.

12- Looting Of Public Funds (James 5:3); I don’t think I need to convince you about this especially if you are from Africa. Many Leaders and Public Office holders use their offices to embezzle fund.

13- Tsunamis (Luke 21:25); The sea is now vomiting water upon the land like never before. There was Tsunami in Indonesia, Japan and many other places.

14- Volcanic Eruptions (Joel 2:30);

15- Shedding Of Innocent Bloods (James 5:6, Revelations 6:9-10); These include blood of innocent babies that are aborted by our young girls, those killed by ritualists, by terrorists and so on. If you abort pregnancies, please, don’t do it again. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, repent and ask God for mercy. Otherwise, all unrepentant abortionists will go to hell.

16- Economic Collapse/Recession (Revelations 6:6); Economic crises are now happening all over the world including America and Europe. This is why companies are sacking employees rather than employing. In fact, the bible makes us understand that a man will work for a whole day and the money he will be able to make can only buy a loaf of bread.

17- Peace Talks/ Clamour For Peace & Safety (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3); All over the world, there is no peace and safety/security. People are clamouring for peace and security. We want peace in the northern nigeria, niger delta and so on. Early 2013, President of America went to Israel to campaign for peace. He made a 45-minute speech. Within the 45 minute, He clamoured for peace, 27 times, and clamoured for safety/security 19 times.

18- Persecution Of Christians (John16:1-3, Mathew 24:9); Growing number of attacks of worshippers inside the church have been recorded in Nigeria, Kenya and many other places. Bombs have even thrown to church during worship session in many places.

19- Massive Death of Fishes  (Hosea 4:3); A lot of fishes, birds and animals are dying mysteriously all over the world.  

20- Massive Death Of Birds (Hosea  4:3)

21- Massive Death Of Animals  (Hosea  4:3)

22 - Shifting Of Earth' Axis  (Isaiah 24:20 ); After, the Chile earthquake of 2010, the earth has slightly shifted on its axis at the pole.

23- Threat Of War On Israel (Luke 21:20, Psalm 83:1-8);

24- Many Will Falsely Parade Themselves As JESUS/MESSIAH (Mathew 24:5); Many people have called themselves Jesus or Messiah in Nigeria and many more across the world are still calling themselves Jesus. See the links below to see 2 videos of a ‘pastor’ who claims to be Jesus Christ and tells his followers to draw 666 on their bodies.

25- Slave Labour  (James 5:4); Many employment today are advanced slavery. Child labour, women trafficking and so on fall here.

26- Gospel Of Prosperity  (2 Peter 2:3); Majority of pastors, today, are not preaching repentance, holiness and Salvation again. They only teach you how to make money but not how to make heaven. If you find yourself in such church, you better LEAVE before they send you to hell. All the prophets, Jesus Christ Himself and the Apostles never preached prosperity but repentance, holiness and salvation.

27- Visions/Dreams Of Rapture/Heaven/Hell etc (Joel 2:28-30); I became a christian after seeing the vision of Rapture. Then God called me to go and be warning people that Jesus Christ is coming. Rapture will soon happen.

28- Efforts To Divide Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:2, Joel 3:2); United nations is considering a two state resolution that will entail dividing Jerusalem between Israel and Palestine.

29- Advanced Knowledge/Technology (Daniel 12:4); It is amazing the speed at which technology is advancing today. Only God could have foretold such.

30- Distress (Luke 21:25, Daniel 12:1). Planes are crashing everywhere. Deadly protests were sparked in the Arab nations. Terrorist attacks are innumerable these days. People are going through distress like never before.

31- Overthrowing Of Egypt (Daniel11:41-43); Please pray that God should not allow Nigeria to be overthrown as well.

32- Overthrowing Of Libya (Daniel11:41-43)

33 - Overthrowing Of Ethiopia (Daniel11:41-43)

34- Damascus/Syria Will Fall (Isaiah 17:1-3)

35- Blasphemies   (2 timothy 3:2) ; People use the name of God for comedy, to curse, to lie, to sing evil song and so on. If you do such, read exodus 20:7 and repent in Christ Jesus before judgment of God comes. See the news link below and see how singers have been blaspheming the name of God. Please, don’t listen to such songs or you will partake in their sins.

36- Avoiding To Get Married   (1 Timothy 4:3)

37- False Miracles (Mathew 24:24, 2 Thessalonians 2:9)

38- Adultery/Fornication (Hosea 4:2)

39- Scoffers/Mocking The Word Of God (2 Peter 3:2)

40- Stealing/Robbery   (Hosea 4:2)

41- Visions/Dreams Of Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)

42- Falling Away Of Church (2 Thessalonians 2:3, 1 Timothy 4:1)

43- Dead Conscience (1 Timothy 4:2)

44- Love Of Items More Than God (2 Timothy 3:4); Today, people love money and football match more than God. They love cars, phones, more than things of God. They love parties more than fellowship. If you are addicted to football, computer games, movies, e.t.c. repent quickly and begin to devote your attention to God.

45- Climatic Change/Strange Weather Pattern (Luke 21:26); This is the reason for excessive rains and flood, scorching sun, wild fires and so on.

46- Fearful/Bleak future (Luke 21:26); We don’t even know what can happen in 2015.

47- Rebels/Rebelliousness  (1 John 2:18-19)

48- Heresies (2 Peter 2:2); False teachings like ‘your dressing does not matter to God’, ‘there is no hell’ , ‘Jesus is not the only saviour’, ‘you can do whatever thing you want because  grace covers you’ and more like that are all around us. Please don’t believe them. Search the scripture for yourself.

49- Building Of 3rd Jewish Temple  (Ezekiel 41)

50- Israel Becoming A Nation (Mathew 24 : 32-34); Since around 70 A.D. that Israel had been scattered, Israel became a nation again on 14th May 1948 and God said that not all the people who witnessed Israel become a nation again would have died before rapture would happen.

51- Possession Of Evil Spirits (1 Timothy 4:1, 1 John 2:18); About three times now, I have seen visions of demons and evil spirits invading everywhere. These are evil spirit that possess people and make them do evil acts.

52- Abominable Behaviours (Mathew 24:15, Revelations 21:8); Drawing of tattoos (Leviticus 19:28), men wearing ear-rings, (even God does not want women to wear ear-rings, not to talk of men), women dressing like men and vice-versa, lip-sticks, eye-lashes, artificial nails, seductive dress by women, human sleeping with animals, and so on. If you do so, you are heading towards hell. Quickly repent by accepting Jesus and begging for mercy and stop doing these abominable things and begin to live a holy life for God.

When God told us in advance through His word (Bible) that ALL these things must happen together as signs that Jesus Christ is coming to rapture believers, was GOD telling us a super story? Now that ALL the things are happening before our eyes, is it another Hollywood movie that we are watching? No. God was only sensitizing us so that we would know that time is up and we would begin to prepare for rapture in holiness and righteous in Christ Jesus. Now that you can confidently say that all these things are happening (even rampantly and in great magnitude), then we must begin to prepare to meet our Lord. If you are not already thinking in this direction, begin to consider it, lest He comes quickly and you may not know when He comes. Trumpet will sound any moment from now. Are you still doubting or arguing or you don’t want to stop your romance with the world? I tell you: the world is sinking. Don’t sink with it. You will be responsible for your actions and its consequences.


If you will like to confess your sins and accept Jesus to save you, say the following prayers, sincerely and faithfully and make a determination never to commit sin again.

Lord, Jesus Christ, I am sorry for all my sins. I confess them with my mouth and I ask for mercy. Please forgive me and wash me in your blood. I accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour. Write my name in the book of life. Give me power over sins and fill me with your Spirit and Joy of Salvation. When rapture trumpet sounds, let me make it. Thank you for saving me. In Jesus name, I pray.

Begin to read bible. Begin with the book of John. Pray always. Fast regularly (you can begin with once in a week). Look for a bible believing church where they teach repentance, holiness, salvation and fellowship with them. Pray before you go. Don’t just go to any church. There are a lot of deceptions out there. If you need our assistance, we can recommend for you, if you email us. Always run away from SINS.

1. Repent of all SINs and pray that Jesus Christ should cleanse and sanctify you with His blood. Please do this as many times as possible daily.

2. O Lord, let not your coming meet me as a thief in the night.

3. Lord Jesus, whatever thing that want to take me away from you, take it away from me.

For more information, question or contribution, please send email to us at or and please tell others to join us. We teach people deep word of God about holiness, righteousness and how to prepare for rapture. We also send breaking news of end-time events that happen around the world to people with bible verses that match them. You can send email to us to receive them, free. We will like to get as many people as possible ready for rapture. We wish nobody goes through the great tribulation. What are happening now are child’s play.


Confess Your Sins To The Lord, JESUS CHRIST And Ask Him To Save You.
Repent Of Your Sins Constantly On Daily Basis And Run Away From Sins.
Be Filled With The Holy Spirit.
Live In Holiness And Righteousness.
Do All Restitutions.
Cut Of All Worldliness.
Forgive All People.
Pray And Fast
Consecrate And Study The Bible



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