Saturday, 10 January 2015




PRAYER SET 1: ATONEMENT OF SINS, 1              *********************************                                                         
Read PROVERBS 28:13 & PSALMS 51:1-19 and meditate on the scriptures and pray the prayers that follow.                                                                          
-  Father, I confess and acknowledge my sins before you. (Begin to confess all the sins you can remember having ever committed).
-  Father having done all this wickedness to you, I come with a broken heart and a contrite spirit in fasting before your throne of mercy.
-  O GOD, Have mercy upon me, according to thy loving-kindness
-  O GOD, blot out my transgressions and iniquities according to the multitude of thy tender mercies.
-  O GOD, Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquities and transgressions with the blood of JESUS CHRIST, and cleanse me from my sin.
-  Almighty GOD, deliver me from all the SINS I was conceived with.
-  Almighty GOD, hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities with the blood of JESUS CHRIST.
-  O Lord, deliver me from bloodguiltiness in JESUS' name.
-  Pray Other Prayers that The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 2: ATONEMENT OF SINS, 2 **********************************
Read PROVERBS 28:13 & PSALMS 51:1-19 and meditate on the scriptures and pray the prayers that follow.
 - GOD Almighty, forgive me all sins I ever committed with my eyes.
- GOD Almighty, forgive me all sins I ever committed with my mouth and my tongue.
- GOD Almighty, forgive me all sins I ever committed with my mind.
- GOD Almighty, forgive me all sins I ever committed with my hands.
- GOD Almighty, forgive me all sins I ever committed with my heart.
- GOD Almighty, forgive me all sins I ever committed with my body.
- GOD Almighty, forgive me all sins I ever committed with my legs.
- GOD Almighty, forgive me all sins I ever committed ears.
- GOD Almighty, forgive me all sins I ever committed.
- GOD Almighty, forgive me all sins and errors that can lead me to hell or make me to miss rapture.
- I pray in advance for forgiveness of all sins I may still fall into.
- As I fall into any sin again, let the blood of JESUS Christ wipe it off immediately.
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.                                         

PRAYER SET 3, RESTORATION FROM THE WOUNDS OF SINS ********************************** ***************
Read PROVERBS 28:13 & PSALMS 51:1-19 and meditate on the scriptures.
- Almighty GOD, deliver me from all the sins I inherited from my father and my mother and the family I was born and of the land.
- Almighty GOD, create in me a new heart in me.
- Almighty GOD, renew a right SPIRIT within me.
- Almighty GOD cast me not away from thy presence.
- Almighty GOD, take not thy HOLY SPIRIT from me.
- Almighty GOD, restore unto me the joy of salvation.
- Almighty GOD, uphold me with thy free Spirit.
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 4, DELIVERANCES FROM POWERS OF SINS ********************************** ************
Read 1 JOHN 3:8 & JOHN 8:36 and claim the Promises and then Pray.
-  LORD, JESUS CHRIST, destroy every seed of sin that satan has planted in my life and set me free from powers of sins.
-  LORD, JESUS CHRIST, uproot and destroy every tree bearing fruits of sins in my life and give me dominion over sins.
-  LORD, JESUS CHRIST, set me free from every besetting and habitual sins.
-  LORD, set me free from little sins and contending sins.
-  LORD, deliver me from LUSTS (lust of eyes, lust of flesh, lust of heart, ministerial lust e.t.c).
-  Release the fire of HOLY GHOST on every power dragging me towards Hell and set me free from them.
-  Deliver me from infectious sins.
-  Shut the doors of my life from sins.
-  Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 5, FASTING FOR DELIVERANCE FROM WORKS OF THE DEVIL ********************************************************
Read ISAIAH 58:6-12 and meditate on the scriptures.
Also, make sure to do good to people and help the poor during this set of prayers and or fasting.
- By the reason of this prayer and fast, Lord refine my body, soul and spirit under the fire of Holy Ghost.
- By the reason of this prayer and fast, guide my body, soul and spirit continually.
- By the reason of this prayer and fast, Lord loosen the band of wickedness in my life.
- By the reason of this prayer and fast, undo the heavy burdens of my life.
- By the reason of this prayer and fast, free me from all satanic oppressions.
- By the reason of this prayer and fast, break all yokes in my life (yokes of sin, curse, poverty, failures, unrighteousness, setback and so on).
- By the reason of this prayer and fast, set me free from all vain speakings.
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 6, FASTING FOR RESTORATION ************************************

Read ISAIAH 58:6-12 and meditate on the scriptures.
- By the reason of this fast, let my light break forth as the morning.
- By the reason of this fast, let my health spring forth speedily.
- By the reason of this fast, let my righteousness go before me.
- By the reason of this fast, let the glory of GOD be my rereward.
- By the reason of this fast, LORD answer my call.
- By the reason of this fast, say to me 'Here I am'.
- By the reason of this fast, let my light rise in obscurity.
- By the reason of this fast, let my darkness be as the noonday.
- By the reason of this fast, satisfy my soul in drought.
- By the reason of this fast, make fat my bones.
- By the reason of this fast, make me like waterd garden and a spring of water and let not my water fail.
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 7, PURGING OF HEART, 1       ********************************
Please read Ezekiel 36:25-27 and claim the promises.                                                                                                                                                
- Almighty GOD, sprinkle the blood of JESUS CHRIST upon me and cleanse from all filthiness and all idols i have once worshipped.
- O LORD, create in me a new heart.
- O LORD, put your SPIRIT in my heart.
- O LORD, take away the stony heart out of my flesh.
- O lord, give me a heart that walks in your statutes, and keep your judgements and do them.
- Mighty father, give me the heart of Christ.
- O LORD, take away fear and unbelief from my heart. (psalms 27:3)
- Cause my heart to have no tolerance for sin. (psalms 66:18).
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 8, PURGING OF HEART, 2      ********************************
- Almighty GOD, remove wickedness from my heart (genesis 6:5, Jeremiah 17:9).
- Almighty GOD, remove all deceptions from my heart. (jer 17:9).
- Almighty GOD, remove all evils from the thought of my heart. (gen 6:5).
- Almighty GOD, add humility to my heart and expunge pride from it (psalms 10:17).
- Almighty GOD, prove my heart, visit my heart and try my heart, and let no guilt be found in it. (Psalm 17:3).
- O LORD, Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your Sight (psalms 19:14).
- O LORD, take away vanities from my heart.
- O LORD, refine my heart under Your Fire and make a pure heart from it. (Psalms 24:1-3)
- Lord Jesus, let Your heart beat in my heart
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 9, CRUCIFIXION of FLESH      ********************************
Read Galatians 5:16-26 and meditate on works of flesh that you need to deal with
-  Release upon me the grace to walk in the Spirit and be led by the spirit
-  Help me not to fulfil the lust of the flesh.
-  Crucify my flesh to your cross.
-  Let my flesh not lust against my spirit and let not my spirit lust against my flesh.
-  Consume all works of flesh in my life with the fire of Holy Ghost.
- Consume lieing, pride, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,  Idolatry, witchcraft,   hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings,   murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like, with the fire of The Holy Ghost.
-  Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 10, GENERAL DELIVERANCE. ***********************************
Please read ISAIAH 61:1-3 and appropriate the promises for yourself.
- LORD, JESUS CHRIST, deliver me from all vile activites of the tongue.
- LORD, JESUS CHRIST, deliver me from lust of the eyes.
- LORD, JESUS CHRIST, deliver me from all curses.
- LORD, JESUS CHRIST, deliver me from all evil covenants.
- LORD, JESUS CHRIST, deliver me from all bondages.
- LORD, JESUS CHRIST, deliver me from all captivities.
- LORD, JESUS CHRIST, deliver me from all yokes.
- LORD, JESUS CHRIST, deliver me from all afflictions.
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 11, EMPOWERMENT OF HOLY GHOST for FRUIT OF CHRIST *****************************************************
Please read Galatian 5: 16-26 and John 15:1-8
- LORD, JESUS CHRIST, Release upon me the grace to walk in the Spirit and be led by the Spirit.
- Holy Spirit, circumcise my heart and sanctify me. (Romans 15:16)
- Holy Spirit, help me to bear all the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
- Lord, let not my Spirit lust against my flesh.
- Lord, Jesus Christ, water the seeds of the Holy Spirit in me and let them grow and bear fruits.
- Holy Ghost, let me bear the fruit of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance:
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 12, EMPOWERMENT OF HOLY GHOST on Journey Of Salvation ******************************************************
- Holy Spirit, guide me on this journey of salvation and help me to end well (john 16:13)
- Holy Spirit, comfort me on this journey of salvation and in this difficult time. (John 14:16)
- Holy Spirit, bring me wisdom and discernment in this journey of salvation (acts 6:3)
- Holy Spirit, add to my faith in this journey of salvation (acts 11:24, Jude 1:20)
- Holy Spirit, give me instructions and direction in this journey of salvation (acts 13:2)
- Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see the truth in this journey of salvation (acts 13:9)
- Holy Spirit, prophecy into me in this journey of salvation (Luke 1:67)
- Holy Spirit, point me to your way (heb 9:8)
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 13, EMPOWERMENT OF THE HOLY GHOST Against Wrongdoings ********************************************************
- Lord Jesus, let me not blaspheme, disobey and grieve your Spirit (Mt 12:31).
- Holy Spirit, lead me in all of my utterances and constraint my tongue from every sinful and vain talks. (Mark 13:11, Luke 12:12).
- Holy Spirit, please restrict me from going against GOD and HIS will and HIS word. (acts 16:6).
- Holy Spirit, don’t let me backslide (heb 6:4).
- Holy Spirit, don’t let me forsake the first love.
- Holy Spirit, help me not be a friend of the world.
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 14, EMPOWERMENT OF THE HOLY GHOST for Manifestation of HIS Works). *************************************************
- Holy Spirit, fill me with your power and fire (acts 1:8, acts 10:38)
-  Holy Spirit, bring multiplication to my life (acts 9:31)
- Holy Spirit, fill my heart with joy, peace and hope (acts 13:52, Romans 14:7, rom 15:13, I thes 1:16)
- Holy Spirit, teach me your word and your way and your will (1 COR 2:13)
- Holy Spirit, submit me to JESUS (1 cor 12:13)
- Holy Spirit, bring me power and assurance of salvation ( 1 thes 1:5)
- Holy Spirit, perform signs, wonders and miracles in my life (heb 2:4)
- Holy Spirit, please witness to me (heb 10:15)
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 15, EMPOWERMENT OF THE HOLY GHOST for Manifestation of HIS Gifts) ******************************************************
- HOLY GHOST, give me the gift of speaking in tongues.
- Give me the gift of interpretation of tongues.
- Give me the gift of visions and dreams.  
- Give me the gift of words of knowledge and wisdom.
- Give me the gift of prophecy.
- Give me the gifts of miraculous healings.
- Make great moves into my life and in my life.
- Give me the gift of faith.
- Bring the lust of sin and flesh under control in my life.
-.HOLY GHOST, take me into the Intimate Place with the LORD, for final deliverance, healing, sanctification, purification of heart and filling of the HOLY SPIRIT.
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 16, EMPOWERMENT of Holy Spirit for Rapture *************************************************
- Holy Spirit, dip my garment into the blood of JESUS CHRIST and cleanse all spots, stains and defilement to your standard.
- HOLY SPIRIT, iron out all wrinkles on my garment with your fire.
- O Lord, dress me with your fine glowing pure apparel.
- Holy Spirit, make me steadfast and ready for rapture and heaven. (acts 7:55).
- Holy Spirit, appoint me for glory in your kingdom (acts 20:28).
- Lord, Jesus Christ, Fill my vessel with The Precious Oil.
- LORD, JESUS, release upon me, the grace of the 5 wise virgins.
- LORD, JESUS, release upon me, the grace of the Philadelphia church.
- HOLY SPIRIT, anoint my hears to hear and answer the call of the trumpet.
- HOLY SPIRIT, I join YOU to say come, LORD JESUS. Even so, come LORD JESUS.
- Lord Jesus, don’t let me wait in vain for you.
- Lord Jesus, make your return a day of great joy for me and not terrible.                                                             
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 17, Empowerment of Holy Spirit for Correction and Restitution) *******************************************************
- O LORD, CONVICT ME anytime I go wrong and give me the grace of correction.
- Give me the grace to make any correction and confession you want me to make.
- Give me the grace and enablement to make restitutions I need to make before your return.
- Lord Jesus, give me the Spirit of forgiveness to forgive all men.
- Holy Spirit, impress upon the hearts of all that I have offended to forgive me.
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 18, Empowerment of Holy Spirit for Overcoming The World) *******************************************************
- Give me the grace to distance myself from the pollutions and sins of this world.
- Separate me unto yourself and sanctify me
- O LORD, Give me the strength to overcome all end-time trials abd tests.
- O LORD, wherever the world is holding unto me, cut it away from me.
- don’t let my foot to hang on d abyss of hell
- O LORD, let me serve FATHER GOD and not mother earth.
- Lord Jesus, give me the grace to spend the few days before your coming, without falling.
- I confess that I will not worship the mother earth but rather GOD, THE FATHER.
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 19, Empowerment of Holy Spirit for Warfare ***********************************************
Please read Ephesians 6:10-18 and making determination to wear any armour Of God missing in your life
- Holy Spirit, put upon me the whole armour of GOD.
- Holy Spirit, girt my loins with truth.
- Holy Spirit, protect my heart with breastplate of righteousness.
- Holy Spirit, protect my feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace.
- Holy Spirit, place in my hands the shield of faith.
- Holy Ghost, protect my head with helmet of salvation.
- Holy Spirit, place in my hands Your Sword.
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 20,  Protection AND Safety from end-time Disaters ****************************************************
Please Revelations 6:1-8 and meditate and pray against those things that must happen before Rapture.
- LORD JESUS, cover me with your blood and protect me from the white horse and its rider. He will not conquer me and my family
- LORD JESUS, cover me with your blood and protect me and my family from the red horse and its rider.
- LORD JESUS, cover me with your blood and protect me and my family from the black horse and its rider.
- LORD JESUS, cover me with your blood and protect me and my family from the pale horse, and death, its rider, and hell that follow him.
- Don’t let me be a victim of any of the horses and their riders.
- Lord Jesus, seal me and my home with your blood.
- Lord Jesus, don’t let me suffer the consequences of all the seals that have been broken or those that will still be broken.
- Lord Jesus, release upon me the grace that will make life easy for me even in this perilous time.
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 21, Protection AND Safety from end-time Disaters, 2. ******************************************************
Please Psalm 91 and meditate and pray against those things that must happen before Rapture.
- Confess very well that you have run into secret place of The Lord and that you are abiding under the shadow of The Almighty. Declare your home, the habitation of The Lord.
- LORD JESUS, cover me with your blood and protect me and my family from all terrors of the enemy whether by day or night.
- LORD JESUS, cover me with your blood and protect me and my family from evils arrows.
- LORD JESUS, cover me with your blood and protect me and my family from all pestilences- Ebola, HIV,SARS, BIRD FLU, MENINGITIS, MERBURG VIRUS and all other diseases of this end-time whether the disease is curable or not.
- LORD JESUS, cover me with your blood and protect me and my family from all destructions and plagues.
- LORD JESUS, cover me with your blood and protect me and my family from earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, storms, volcanic eruptions, wild fires, hail storm, sink holes, gun shots, bomb explosions, insurgencies and other disaters.
- Lord Jesus, seal me and my home with your blood.
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 22, Intercession 1, For People and Nation, **********************************************
Please read 1 Timothy 2:1-4
- Pray for salvation of peoples - your families, friends, colleagues, neighbours that are yet to be saved.
- Pray for all those who must die today, this week, this month and this year to repent and confess Jesus Christ before they die.
- Pray that they will forgive others and also seek forgiveness. Pray for Spirit of Repentace to fall on them before they die.
- Pray for backsliders to receive the grace of prodigal son and return to The Lord.
- Pray for those who have heard The Gospel to decide for The LORD.
- Pray for forgiveness for the Nation, its People and Leaders. Ask for Fear of God and Righteousness to reign.
- Pray for Pregnant women, Nursing Mothers, Travellers, Sick people, Those in Bondage.
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.

PRAYER SET 23, Intercession 2, For Church Of Christ, *********************************************
Please read 1 timothy 2:1-4
- Pray that believers facing persecution will not deny The Lord. Pray for courage and grace to stand till the end, for them.
- pray for afflicted believers to be comforted from their afflictions.
- Pray for believers and believers' wives/husbands looking for children to receive so that unbelievers will not mock their God.
- Ask for protection for bus, market, road and all evangelists and their families. pray they will harvest souls for Christ and they will not miss heaven, too.
- Ask God to refine the bride of Christ and set her free for rapture.
- Pray that God will deliver His Church from deceptions and from the hands of false prophets/pastors.
- Ask God to send down fiery end-time revival into all churches and all nations beginning from your family.
- Pray that Complacency and compromise will not overtake the servants of God.
- Ask God to drive out worldliness from His people and Churches.
- Pray that God will send labourers into His harvest.
- Pray Other Prayers That The HOLY GHOST leads you to pray.