I will like to share two visions I had in the month of April, 2014, with you.
Bride of Christ, let us be more alert than before. Let us always cover ourselves with the blood of Jesus Christ. Christ's coming is imminent.
Thank you.
Sometimes in the month of April, 2014, I had a dream. In that dream, I saw that the mark of the beast was being given physically to some people in their hands and on their heads. I stood aloof and I was watching how people were being given the mark of the beast on their foreheads and in their hands. As the marks and the name were being impressed on the people’s heads, I was made to see the name that was about to be impressed on the People’s head alongside with the mark and the name was the name of a serving president of a certain powerful country. Then, I said "the scripture is fulfilled".
At that point, I noticed that some people in the camp of those giving the mark and the name were watching me and they knew I would not collect the mark. So, from a distance, they tried to spiritually flash the name on my head (not physically). As the name was coming towards the direction of my forehead like a flash, I quickly parried (dodged) the flash and it did not touch me. Then I woke up.
Some few days after the first dream, I had another dream and I saw each figure of the number 666 floating in the atmosphere as if each was been floated in the atmosphere like a kite. One of the figures had been inverted and it looked like 9 while it was being tossed in the atmosphere. That was the end of the second dream.
I knew this was the confirmation of the first dream. All these two visions point to the same direction. JESUS is coming very soon and the scripture (revelation 13: 16-18) of the mark of the beast will fulfilled.
Thank you.