Saturday, 14 June 2014



TEXTs:   JOEL 1: 13-15, JOEL 2:11-12,15

 JOEL 1:13-15                                                                                      
13 Gird yourselves, and lament, ye priests: howl, ye ministers of the altar: come, lie all night in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God: for the meat offering and the drink offering is withholden from the house of your God.

14 Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your God, and cry unto the LORD,

15 Alas for the day! for the day of the LORD is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come.

JOEL 2: 11-12, 15   

11 And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?

12 Therefore also now, saith the LORD, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning:

13 And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.

14 Who knoweth if he will return and repent, and leave a blessing behind him; even a meat offering and a drink offering unto the LORD your God?

15 Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly:


Before we introduce FASTING as a key way of Preparing for Rapture, let us say again for the purpose of clarity and better understanding of this teaching that The Day of the Lord means The Day of Rapture. We had already done a teaching titled ‘The Day Of The Lord’ where we exposed biblically that when ‘The Day Of The Lord’ is mentioned in the Bible, it simply means ‘The Day Of Rapture’. If you will like to read the teaching, please, view it at or send email to or to receive the teaching or our other teachings in word document format.

In each of the two texts above, God gave series of instructions for His Ministers (Pastors, Prophets, Evangelists, Church leaders, Choristers, and All Christians). Also, in each of the two texts, He mentioned the reasons for giving them the instructions.

In the first text, He gave the instructions before telling them the reason for the instructions while in the second text He first told them the reason why He gave them the instructions that follow.

However, you chose to look at it, the two texts are emphatically saying the same things. And the instructions contained in each of them are what we are about to explore to underscore FASTING as an important way of Preparing for Rapture.


What this teaching seeks to achieve is not just to teach you about fasting but to underscore fasting as a vital way of preparing for rapture. To achieve this aim, let us first examine the generality of instructions given by God on how to prepare for rapture and reasons why God gave such instructions. We will analyze our two texts above to explore these instructions.


From our first text, Joel 1; 13-15, the instructions and reasons given by God to His ministers are itemized below.

1. They should lament and howl Joel 1:13. This means sorrowful repentance.

This type of repentance was mentioned by The Lord, Jesus Christ, in Mathew 5:4. Also, this was the type of repentance King David did in Psalm 51 after He committed adultery.

2.  They should lie all night in sackcloth Joel 1:13 (all night repentance i.e. night vigil of repentance).

Today, many churches are organizing various night vigil programmes but I am yet to see any night vigil programme held solely for repentance. And yet God calls for All Night Repentance at this hour.

3.  They should call a FAST   Joel 1:14.  

4. Call solemn assembly and cry to God Joel 1:14. (They should organize congregational prayers and repentance).


The following two reasons were given by God as the reasons why He gave His ministers the instructions above.

1. The Day Of The Lord is at hand Joel 1:15. (This means that the day of rapture is near).

2. The Day Of The Lord shall come as a destruction from God Joel 1:15. (This means that Rapture will come with destruction).

Apostle Paul referred to this destruction as ‘Sudden Destruction’ in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 while Prophet Jeremiah described how horrific the destruction will be in Jeremiah 25:33-34.


From our second text, Joel 2: 11-12, 15, God first gave the following instructions to His ministers.

1. They should turn to God with all their hearts   Joel 2: 12.  (This means sanctification and purity of heart).

Jesus Christ mentioned same in Mathew 5: 8.

2.   They should call a FAST   Joel 2:12, 15

3.  They should weep and mourn Joel 2:12 (this means sorrowful repentance as described above in the case of the first text).

4.  They should blow the trumpet   Joel 2: 15   (This means evangelism).

They should warn people of what is about to happen and call them to repentance.


God gave the reason mentioned below as the reason why He gave His ministers the instructions above.

1. The day of the LORD is great and very terrible     Joel 2: 11

This means that the day of rapture will be very great for those that make rapture while it will be full of destruction and terror for those that miss it.

From the two texts above, after having considered the instructions and the reasons why God gave such instructions to His ministers, what we can logically conclude is that it is only by following the instructions that can we escape the destruction and terror that comes with the day of the Lord, the day of Rapture. And since one of the God-given instructions is ‘Fasting’, it is important to fast habitually this perilous time as a way of Preparing for Rapture.


In the affirmative, the answer is YES for the following reasons.

1. GOD, Himself, ordained fasting as a preparation for the Day of The Lord, (RAPTURE). See the analyses of the texts above, Joel 1:14, Joel 2:12, 15.

2. Since we need to be filled with The Holy Spirit at all times to be able to make rapture, fasting will help us to crucify the flesh and allow for maximum in-filling of Holy Ghost. Galatian 5:24. See the web address for our teaching titled ‘Preparing for rapture, part 3, Being filled with The Holy Ghost or make a request to receive the teaching by word document.

3. Fasting aids deliverance. Many people are possessed with evil spirits, demons, and unclean spirits. Many people are into some evil covenants and so on, and they need to be delivered of all these things before rapture. Fasting will aid these deliverances. Isaiah 58:6.

The Lord, Jesus Christ, Himself, said there are some afflictions that can never go unless by fasting and praying. Mathew 17:21.

4. Through Fasting, Repentance and Turning away from evil, the anger of God can be turned away.  Jonah 3: 5-10.

5. Fasting and Prayer will help to achieve victory of the demonic manipulations of this time.

There may be some other reasons why fasting could be necessary as a preparation for rapture, but let us stop at these 5 points.

Now, that we have analyzed our texts above and mentioned some other points why fasting is necessary, at this time that we are preparing for rapture, let us explain some things about fasting for the sake of those that are new to fasting or know little about it.


There are two basic perspectives through which we will try to define fasting.
The first perspective is fasting from man’s perspective while the second perspective is fasting from God’s perspective.

1. From the perspective of man, Fasting is a deliberate abstinence from food or from food and water for a period of time in other to seek the face of God. Jonah 3: 5-7

2. From the perspective of God, Fasting means more than abstinence from food and water. God sees fasting as a way of spiritually afflicting our souls for the purpose of achieving the desire of God. Isaiah 58: 5-6.

Let’s consider the scripture below.

5 Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the LORD?

6 Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?

In Isaiah 58:5 above, God defines fasting as affliction of soul while in verse 6, He mentioned what He desires to achieve on man through the fasting and these include loosing of bands, undoing burdens, setting captives free, breaking yokes.


I will categorize fasting in 2 ways.

1.  Fasting according to nature of food used to break the fast or eaten during the fast.

Some of the fasting methods under this category include;

Regular fasting: No restriction is placed on the type of food you can use to break your fast.

Daniel Fasting: This is the type of fasting Prophet Daniel did in Babylon. The basis of this fasting could be found in Daniel 1:12, Daniel 10:2-3. In this type of fasting, only food item planted in the ground is eaten. Food items that could not be eaten include all meats, all sea foods, all drinks except water, all leaven bread, all additives including refined salts, processed food seasonings. Only natural plant food and water could be taken.

For more information about Daniel fast and the natures of food that could be eaten to break your fast, we recommend that you, please, see the following websites. (Please, note that we are not the owners of the websites. Please make your decision after seeing them) Fasting:  In this type of fasting, only water is taken during the fasting. No other food is taken.

WARNING: Please, make sure you are trained in fasting before you do water fasting and make sure you drink water at any time of the day you are thirsty.

Fruit Fasting: Only fruit and water could be used to break your fasting.

No Food, No water, Fasting: In this fasting, nothing enters your mouth for 3 days. Apostle Paul did this type of fasting at his conversion, Acts 9:9. Esther also fasted this type of fast, Esther 4: 15-17.

WARNING: This fasting should not be prolonged more than 3 days. Seek medical experts for counselling on how to go about the fasting and how to break it. Also consult your pastor or a brother who had done such a fasting for advice.

2.  Fasting according to length of days of fast.

Three Day Fasting: Acts 9:9, Esther 4: 15-17.

Seven Day Fasting: 1 Samuel 31:13

Twenty One Day Fasting: Daniel 10:2-3

Forty Day FastingMathew 4:2

As led by the Holy Spirit:  You may decide to fast for 1 day, 14 days or as led by The Spirit of God.


Fasting is a very difficult spiritual exercise. God, Himself knows that man does not find fasting easy. God refers to ‘fasting’ as affliction of soul, Isaiah 58:5. However, as much difficult as this exercise can be, it will shock you to know that it can be done in futility, if it is not done according to the will of God.

Before you embark on that fasting, it will benefit you to know those things that can render your fasting useless before you embark on it. Otherwise, your fasting will just be a mere dieting exercise, rather that being a spiritual exercise rewarded by God. Please ensure the following instructions in your fasting as you prepare for rapture.

1. Obey the voice and commandments of God. Do the will of God and live in holiness and righteousness. Zechariah 7:1-14.

When the children of Judah were in Babylonian captivity for 70 years, they always embark on fasting every fifth and every seventh month for the whole 70 years of their captivity. However, when they returned back to their land in Judah, they got to know that God did not reckon with all their fastings for those 70 year period because they continued to live in the same sins that led them to the captivity in the first instance and they did not obey God. See Zechariah 7:1-14

2. Don’t fight, strive, hate, or hold any bitterness in your heart. Isaiah 58: 4.

3. Repent and pray along with your fasting. If you are not praying or somebody is praying for you during fast, it may just be an hunger exercise. Prayer must go along with fasting.

4. Don’t fast for showmanship. Mathew 6: 16-18.


The Prophets of Old Fasted. The Lord, Jesus Christ fasted. Jesus Christ once told His Disciples that a time is coming that they will need to fast like the Disciples of John, The Baptist were fasting. Fasting is not exempted for us, Christians, too. The instruction to fast at this time can then not be over-emphasized. It is important and there could be no better time to fast than this time that the Messiah is coming.

By considering two principal texts, we have analyzed how God calls us to fast often at this time that we are expecting the return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We also mentioned some other important reasons to expatiate God’s call for fasting.

We later defined what fasting is from the perspective of God and Man. We also mentioned some types of fasting that could be possible. and lastly we highlighted what could spoil your fasting and reduce it to mere ‘hunger strike’ rather than a spiritual affliction of the soul that God wants it to be.

Now, we want to encourage you to consider fasting as you prepare for rapture. God made a call on us to fast. Kindly heed the call. All our teachings are not just another teachings but teachings that are set to show you what to do and encourage you to do them. They are meant to be practical teachings on how to prepare for rapture.

If you are not trained in fasting, you can begin with a light fasting. Don’t fast for too long hours. You can break your fast by 12noon and gradually you increase the length of hours. Also, you can begin with once-a-week or twice-a-week fasting and then you can increase the length of time and number of days with time. What is important is consistency and spirituality of it. May God help you as you prepare for rapture.


1. O Lord, I repent from all sins that will hinder my fast.

2. Holy Spirit of God, deliver me from all bondages, yokes, afflictions, spells, curses by the reason of this fast.

3. Lord Jesus Christ, by the reason of this fast, set me free from ‘that which cannot go, unless by fasting and praying’.

4. Lord, crucify my flesh and fill me with the Holy Spirit.


Are you an elect of Christ? Are you truly saved? Are you on the narrow road? Do you want to make the rapture/heaven? If your answers are yes, then,                                                  
• Repent at all times.                            
• Heed the warnings of Jesus Christ.                                                       
• Be watchful. Pay attention to what is happening around the World and see whether they match what the scriptures say.                                     
• Be filled with the Holy Spirit and be in the Spirit all the time.
• Fast, consecrate yourself, run away from sin and worldliness.

If your answers are NO, then you can repent today. Accept Jesus Christ as 
your Lord and Saviour. Kindly, sincerely and faithfully pray the prayer of repentance below and make a determination never to commit sin again.


Lord, Jesus Christ, I am sorry for all my sins. I confess them with my mouth and I ask for mercy. Please forgive me and wash me in your blood. I accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour. Write my name in the book of life. Give me power over sins and fill me with your Spirit and Joy of Salvation. When rapture trumpet sounds, let me make it. Thank you for saving me. In Jesus name, I pray. 

Begin to read bible. Begin with the book of John. Pray always. Fast regularly to overcome the sinful desires of your flesh. (You can begin with once in a week). Look for a bible believing church where they teach repentance, holiness, salvation and fellowship with them. Pray before you go. Always run away from SINS.


For more information, question or contribution, please send email to us at or or visit us at   and please tell others to join us.

We teach people deep word of God about holiness, righteousness and how to prepare for rapture. You can send email to us to receive the teachings, free. We also send breaking news of end-time events that happen around the world to people with bible verses that match them. You can send email to us to receive them, free.

We will like to get as many people as possible ready for rapture. We wish nobody goes through the great tribulation. What are happening now are child’s play.                                                                                    
