Important Notice: Since the beginning of the year, 2015, The Lord, Jesus Christ, has been giving us a series of urgent and consistent messages that rapture is imminent. Because of the seriousness and urgencies of these messages, we are quickly posting the messages. Similar messages have also been confirmed to other children of God.
New messages that the Lord will give to us will be posted, by His grace, as the most recent message in the series of message below. In other words, the newest message will be posted on top, above the one there, now.
We advise that you visit this page regularly to see if there is a new message about the imminent coming of The Lord.
Dream of Stars Falling Down From The Sky and Inherent Interpretations/Messages
The Dream
the early hours of Monday, the 9th December, 2019, Nigerian time, I had a
revelation about stars falling down from the sky.
the dream, I was at a location at night. Suddenly, I looked up at the sky and
saw a group of stars that formed a recognizable pattern. The pattern formed by
the constellation was of an interest to me and as such was looking at the
pattern keenly.
a few among the stars fell down on earth. The falling down of the few stars
from the constellation caused the striking pattern I was watching to change.
And I became disturbed because stars fell down from sky right under my watch. I
quickly called the attention of people around me to it that some stars had
fallen down from the sky to the earth.
pointed to the constellation from which the stars had fallen down and we all
looked at the direction. While we looked on, yet suddenly, very many stars from
the sky began to fall down like rain on earth. I saw the direction the stars were
falling to but I could not guess what country or location that would correspond
to by the time they would hit the earth.
I was wondering, I began to hear some people said, ‘Indonesia’, ‘Indonesia’.
The dream ended.
of the Sign of The Coming of The Lord, Jesus Christ, Appearing in The Sky
In the
early hour of Tuesday, October 22, 2019, between 7a.m and 8a.m Nigerian time, I
had dream which pointed to the imminent and urgent return of our Lord, Jesus
dreamt that I was in an open air prayer meeting or possibly a crusade. The man
of God leading the crusade made an announcement that the Lord Jesus Christ is
now about to return and so every one of us present at the crusade should close
our eyes and pray.
closed our eyes and began to pray. Immediately we finished the prayers, the sky
changed. The following words ‘Jesus Crusade’ was written across the sky.
After that, ‘Jesus is coming’ was also written across the sky in quick
succession. After the second display in the sky, everybody continued looking
towards the sky with great anxiety.
‘Jesus is coming’ was written in the sky, then the sign of his coming appeared
in the sky. It was one bright light that pierced through the dark sky from
one side of the sky. Immediately, I realized
it was the sign of His coming. I quickly stretched my two hands up towards
heaven, looking upwards, and praying that He should remember me and take me with Him as I
beheld the sign of His coming.
other people around also noticed it was the sign of his coming that had
appeared. There was commotion everywhere but I concentrated looking towards the
heaven praying that he should remember me and take me with him.
dream ended.
Mathew 24:30
30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man
in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and
they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and
great glory.
Luke 21:27-28
27 And then shall they see the Son
of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
28 And when
these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for
your redemption draweth nigh.
The Lord, Jesus Christ is coming. Stay ready in absolute
repentance, righteousness and holiness.
12:59 a.m., Monday, August 26, 2019, Nigerian time, in my dream, I was shown a sign which relates to the coming of the Messiah in the sky.
In the dream, about nine different 'suns' appeared in the sky in the middle of the night. All the nine 'suns' lined up in a straight line and were moving away. The 'sun. that was in the middle was shining brighter than the rest of other 'suns'.
The people could not sleep. They came out of their bedrooms to look at several suns that came out in the middle of the night. To them, that was an extremely strange occurence; multiple suns coming out at night.
As they were wondering how and why multiple suns should come out in the middle of the night, I started worshipping God, instead. After worshipping God, I started preaching about the coming of the Messiah, Lord Jesus Christ, to the people that came out to see the 'strange suns', right there in the middle of the night.
I told them what about using sun, moon, and stars as signs in the sky to signify the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ, at rapture. I reminded them of how He gave a rainbow in the sky as a sign for Noah.
I preached till I lost my voice.
Jesus Christ is coming. Rapture is imminent. Stay ready.
In the early hours of Thursday, 9th August,
2018, around 3 a.m, Nigerian night, I had a 2-segment vision about the
antichrist and the mark of the beast. The dream was about massive orientation and publicity of the mark of the beast and stiff penalty for companies that rejected it.
In the early hours of Tuesday, 20th February 2018, I had a dream in which I was warning some people of the grave consequences of receiving the mark of the beast.
In the dream, I had come across some people, about three of them. It seemed they had just received the mark of the beast, I think, on their heads. Then, they made me know that they had received the marks on their foreheads.
You can read the details and the spiritual interpretation of the message here.
In the early hours of Saturday, 17th February, 2018, Nigerian time, I had a dream which showed hospitals are gradually joining the antichrist system.
In the dream, I saw that I was in a public bus with a friend and other passengers. The bus drove past a hospital and a passenger drew the attention of other passengers to the hospital. He recalled an insinuation he had about the hospital that they would not treat you if you did not have a chip implanted into your hand. As he continued recounting the insinuation, he expected the other passengers to a confirm his insinuation. Though, other passengers joined him in the discussion but nobody was able to confirm the rumor.
I did not join in the discussion because it was held in a public bus. My friend looked at my direction expecting me to give information to the people but I didn’t talk.
When we got to our destination, I explained to my friend that the hospitals aregradually joining the beast system. I told him that after the rapture, nobody will be treated in any hospital unless he had a chip in his hand which was the mark of the beast. I told him that any one that sustained injury from the sudden destiruction of rapture will not be treated unless he first received the mark of the beast in his hand or on his head. Dream ended.
Early on Monday morning, 29th May 2017, Nigerian time, after a vigil of the night, I had a revelation about the test-running of hand-implanted chip for buying fuels at the filling stations. Though, the dream was very short, it was very direct to the point.
In the dream, my brother and I were in a public bus with other passengers. It was as if a policy had been implemented that henceforth only hand-implanted chips should be used to buy fuels at all filling stations. And so, we were discussing how drivers that had no chips implanted in their hands would be able to buy fuel.
Suddenly, my brother’s eyes spotted the hand of the driver and discovered that he had already received a chip in his hand. He called my attention to it. I looked at the hand of the driver and saw that he had a something like tiny cellophane that was used to cover the point where the chip was implanted into his hand.
The drivers who taught they could not do without fueling their vehicles were already taking chips into their hands to comply with the policy of test-running buying fuels at the filling stations using hand-implanted chips.
The dream ended.
Revelation 13:16-17
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Interpretation And Message
Two major interpretations can be deduced from this revelation.
-1. The mark of the beast is about to be test-runned.
-2. The coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ, is imminent.
Dear Friend in Christ,
Sometimes the Lord revealed to me that the spirits of witchcraft have been poured out. A lot of events that have been going on before and after that revelation confirm that witchcraft activities are, indeed, going on everywhere, including ‘the church’.
We began to see ‘so-called-pastors’ feeding their ‘congregations’ with grass, snakes, hair, and petrol to drink and so on. We began to see ‘so-called-pastors’ anointing condoms for congregation, commanding vouchers into congregations’ phones, and even doing many other abominable things we should not be mentioning.
On another time, it was revealed to me, that the spirits of Sodom and Gomorrah have been poured out. Shortly before and after that, all manners of unthinkable rape and sexual assaults cases became manifested. We heard of many and are still hearing of weird cases like raping of 1 year old babies, or 80 year old women, or raping of goats, pigs and so on. Even man-to-man, woman-to-woman, and man-to-animal marriages are being legalized across the world.
This time again, the Lord has revealed to me that a lot of demons have invaded the earth. And the primary targets are the end-time messengers of the Lord. Guard your territory from all demonic invasions from hell till Jesus Christ comes. Guard your family. Guard your ministry. Guard your Spirit, Soul and Body.
I share the details and interpretations here.
On Monday, 26th September, 2016, at 6.51am Nigerian time, I saw that I was in a tricycle with some other people. I was telling them the signs of the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ. I told them that more earthquakes are happening more frequently, now. I told them more fishes are dying because of no oxygen in the seas.
As we were saying all these things, I saw an aeroplane dropping some handbill advertisements. And the handbill adverts caught our attention. I called the attention of the people to the beautiful adverts. They wondered after the adverts.
Dear Friend in Christ,
The stage is being prepared for the all-inclusive one-world religion of the man of sin. The stage is being set. We are seeing the evolution of the one world religion gradually. From what we are seeing on ground, it is around the corner. Even more so, the coming of this evil worship is confirmed by revelations of God and the scriptures. I present two revelations shown to me concerning the Inter-Faith Worship. Then, I will try to examine it scripturally.
First Revelation about Inter-Faith Worship Some few months ago, I cannot say the day and the time precisely because I forgot to document the date and time, but by my own estimation, it should be around the month of June, 2016. I was told by voice in a dream ''Inter faith worship is coming and you will be surprised those that will be involved in it''. Then I woke up.
Second Vision about Inter-Faith Worship
I have a friend whom I know to be a very dedicated Christian. He is a minister in the church where he fellowships.
Some few weeks after I had the first dream about inter-faith worship above, I had another dream and I saw this my Christian friend in that dream. He held a Muslim rosary in his hand and held onto it very dearly. When I saw it I was very disturbed. I opened my eyes and the dream ended. You can read the full detail and interpretation, here.
In the afternoon, July 14th, 2016, Nigerian time, I had this prophetic dream about a very strong push for the implementation of the mark of the beast in Nigeria.
In the dream, I was in the office with my colleagues. We were discussing about an ongoing very strong push for the introduction of the mark of the beast in Nigeria. My colleagues and I were discussing about the development of the push for that mark. They were very disturbed that the push for the mark was very strong and that, at any time, it would be implemented. You can read the full detail here.
On Wednesday, 24th August, 2016, at about 3a.m. Nigerian time, I was given a message from the Lord to give to the Bride of Christ concerning ‘Hybrid Rice’.
Before I share the message the Lord, Jesus Christ, gave me to share about Hybrid Rice, please permit me to say the following things.
1. This message is for The Bride of Christ and those who intend to be part of the bride of Christ.
2. Before now, I have not heard anything called Hybrid Rice. As at the time the message was passed to me by the Lord and as at the time of posting this message, there is nothing like Hybrid Rice in Nigeria. I have not heard anybody-whether government, individual or corporate body speak about anything of such. As of the time of posting, there is no such rice in Nigerian market. So, I don’t have any intention to denigrate any product.
3. Lastly, the message is about hybrid rice- not just any rice. When the hybrid rice comes out, it may even bear Hybrid as part of its name, for instance XYZ Hybrid Rice, ABC Hybrid Rice, etc.
As at the time of this posting in August 2016, the price of rice in Nigeria has risen very fast and became ‘unaffordable’ for the common man. In the past few months, the price has risen by as much as over 100%. And as a result people are looking for ways to make this staple food common and affordable as it used to be before. Now, I can share the remaining vision here.
At two different times, now, I have had two revelations which pointed clearly we are living in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. The first time, I had a revelation that the Spirit of rape, robbery and violence – the spirits of Sodom and Gomorrah had been poured out by satan. The message was posted here. Soon after I received the revelation, all manners of rape cases started to appear on the social and news media. I followed these news keenly on social media until I became tired because they were too numerous. Even till today, you can hardly go through the media without reading of at least a rape case, especially weird ones like those that took place at Sodom and Gomorrah.
At about 12.45pm, Thursday, July 7th 2016, Nigerian time, I received the second revelation concerning the events of Sodom and Gomorrah taking place and yet more to take place in our time. It was a worrisome vision of an open-day street robbery, looting and violence as it was in Sodom and Gomorrah. The vision and its interpretation was posted here.
Dear Friend in Christ,
On Thursday, 2nd June, 2016, early morning, I had a dream which confirms the imminence of the return of the Lord, Jesus Christ and the extent of seriousness that is given to the announcement of His coming. I will share the dream below and give some words concerning the seriousness that God wants us to give to announcing the coming of The Lord.
In that dream, in one instance, some fishermen went fishing and caught some fishes. But to their surprise, the sentence, ‘JESUS is coming’ was found inscribed on one or more of the fishes. On another occasion, a goat or a sheep gave birth to a baby and also the sentence ‘JESUS is coming’ was also found inscribed on the new born animal as it was being born.
The two strange occurrences were reported on major television and new media across the world. I also watched the news and I also saw the news clip of those animals – the fish and the goat. I also saw the fishermen who caught the fish that had the inscription.
The news made waves around the world. After the news, those two occurrences were being discussed by many people on the streets. The dream ended.
This dream carries a very serious and sensitive message about the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
For a brief study about The Announcement of The Coming of The Lord, Jesus Christ, and interpretation of the dream, click here.
Confess your sins to JESUS CHRIST and ask Him to save you.
Repent of your sins constantly on daily basis and run away from sins.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Live in Holiness and Righteousness.
Do all Restitutions.
Cut off all worldliness.
Forgive all people.
Pray and fast.
Consecrate and study the bible.
Dear Friend in Christ,
In the early hours of Thursday, May 12, 2016, The Lord, Jesus Christ, again, gives me some words to warn us about the seriousness of the mark of the beast.
The scripture warns us that no one may be able to buy or sell without it. This issue of the mark of the beast is more serious than we think. Almost everything will have to depend on the mark of the beast and without it may also be impossible to make use of anything electronic. The Lord had already revealed to me that the time to receive the mark of the beast has come. Soon after that, in another vision, I was also made to hear the gruesome cry and weeping of some believers who were left behind at rapture as they were being tortured for rejecting the mark. The visions were posted among the earlier messages of these alerts.
In that dream, I was in my office with some of my colleagues. They are Christians. We were talking about the mark of the beast and how nobody will be able to buy or sell without the mark when it is finally enforced.
Perhaps, my colleagues had taught that only buying and selling (business transaction) would not be possible without the mark. Then I began to enlighten them that it was not just buying and selling that would not be possible. I warned all electronic devices will require the mark of the beast before they can be accessed.
I said to them that Internet, ATMs, GSM Phones, Televisions, Bank accounts, Computers and all electronics would require the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast will be like the gatepass to all electronics – a mark that can unlock all electronic. The dream ended.
Revelation 13:16-18
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the
name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of
the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred
threescore and six.
Revelation 20:4
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given
unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the
witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped
the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their
foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a
thousand years.
1. There is going to be electronic technology convergence. All electronic technology is going to converge to the point where all electronic devices, gadgets and instruments like phones, computers, internets, ATMs, and so on will not be accessible or cannot be operated without the mark of the beast.
If we consider the rate at which electronic technology is fast developing and evolving, and is being incorporated to all aspects of life, it may be almost impossible to do anything without reliance on one electronic device or the other. For instance, bank transactions now depend largely on electronic systems like internet, GSM Phones, ATM and so on. Payments at shopping malls now depend on electronic way of payment via cards. Flights can be booked online (electronically), hotels can be reserved online (electronically), Classes can be attended online (electronically). Medical sciences and hospitals now depend on electronic devices to perform surgical operations and carry out medical tests and so on.
This can explain why we now have everything becoming electronic like e-Payment, e-Passport, e-Business, e-Examination, e–Money, e-Wallet, e-Mail, e-Commerce, e-This and e-That.
All these electronic systems will converge quickly to such that they cannot be operated without the mark of the beast. The rate at which new electronic devices like phones, computers, machines, new technologies and so on are coming out and the older ones are becoming obsolete too quickly all suggest convergence.
2. The mark of the beast will be required to gain access to all electronic devices.
Since our ways of lives have been made to depend largely on electronic devices, it will be very easy to enforce the mark of the beast on people. Can you imagine that you require the mark of the beast to unlock your phone just to make or receive a call? It will be really difficult to reject the mark.
The two points above perhaps are giving us insight into how the main prophecy of the mark of the beast for buying and selling might be fulfilled and this leads us to point 3 below.
3. Buying and Selling will not be possible without the Mark of the Beast. Since buying and selling has also become electronic with ATMs, POS machines, online transactions, Phone transactions. Trading, Buying and Selling will require the mark of the beast and thus the scripture will be fulfilled (Revelation 13:16-18).
And point 3 above in turn leads to the point 4 below which the bible prophesies of the capital punishment of rejecting the mark.
4. Those that reject the mark (the left-behind-Christians) will be schemed out of financial transactions (Buying and Selling). Those who reject the mark of the beast will receive the capital punishment by beheading.
Finally, the scripture is fast fulfilling in these days. The time of eternal-life-threatening decisions making, are around. The days for making the kind of decisions that the three young Hebrew men made in the book of Daniel, Chapter 3 are here. The days that you will be confronted face to face with the mark of the beast and make a decision of your eternity whether to receive the mark or not are here. They are not going to come. They are already here.
The beast is fast rising. His mark is being pushed forward by people of authority and influence. Some are being conquered already and have received the marks.
Confess your sins to JESUS CHRIST and ask Him to save you.
Repent of your sins constantly on daily basis and run away from sins.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Live in Holiness and Righteousness.
Do all Restitutions.
Cut off all worldliness.
Forgive all people.
Pray and fast.
Consecrate and study the bible.
Dear Friend in Christ,
We are living in a time when all end-time scriptures are being fulfilled on a per second basis across the earth right before our eyes and when all judgments and wrath of God are going to be poured on earth in full.
In the beginning of the year 2015, God revealed to me in a consistent manner that the time of the antichrist and its mark had come. That I guess was perhaps God’s message for that ‘new’ year 2015. Because of the severity of those messages, we started this ‘Rapture Imminent Series’ and those messages were the first to be posted in the series.
Since then we have witnessed a tremendous global push for replacement of cash transactions with implantable microchips in the hands (Revelation 13:16-18). Governments of many nations and many big corporations across the world started to openly push for the chips. In that same year, we saw the first company in Sweden to have microchips implanted in its entire staff to be used for access into offices, company resources, and for monetary transactions. You can search the YouTube for the video. Scripture is fulfilling.
However, in this Year 2016, God has been talking to us about judgments coming upon the earth. The last two alerts given to us by God in this series are related to judgments of God coming upon the earth.
The second alert was that The Spirits of Sodom and Gomorrah Had Been Poured Upon The Earth. That message was also absolutely about judgment. You may ask how the message connects to judgment. From the scripture, it was judgment of God that ended Sodom and Gomorrah. The Lord, Jesus Christ, told us that as it was in the days of Noah, and as it was at Sodom and Gomorrah, so shall it be when He shall return. If Judgment was the end of these two generations, then judgment of God is inevitable in this grossly evil generation.
Now, the new vision shared below is the third alerts of judgment coming up in this series.
On Monday, 25th January, 2016, around 6.00 am, I had the following dream which points to judgment of God coming upon the inhabitants of the earth.
In the dream, I was in one of my old school mates’ house. We were talking. Then suddenly I looked up and saw an open vision. I saw the earth, round like a big spherical object. It was very far inside space like the moon is inside space. I was seeing the earth located in the space as a globe. Then I saw a red horse running across the globe from one end of the earth to another.
I was shouting to my friends to look into the space and see a red horse running across the earth. They looked but could not see anything. The red horse finished running across the earth from one end to the other and then took a rest. The rest horse went to rest among some other three red horses which had run across the earth in turn and were taking rest.
Though, I did not see the first three red horses when they ran across the earth. I only knew that they had ran across the earth and were only taking rest. But I saw the last red horse running across the globe. After it had finished running the earth, it went to go and rest among the first three red horses that were taking rest.
I became worried immediately, seeing this red horse having ran across the span of the earth. I began to shout that great bloodshed is coming to earth. I was shouting that it would be very serious because open vision is more serious than dreams.
Then, I quickly gathered all my friends that we should pray because open vision is more important and urgent than dream.
I woke up. It was 6.15 am and I documented the vision immediately.
Let us consider the scripture that talks about red horse. Revelation 6:1-8.
Revelation 6:1-8
1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
Now, Let us go back to the vision and relate it to the scripture that talks about red horse and bring out the message out the message for us.
1. The operation of the red horse which had been on-going in phases before now will continue. Those three red horses which were resting signify the phases of the operation of the red horse. That is the phases of bloodshed and judgment that had already befallen the earth.
The red horse which I saw running again across the earth now signifies the new level and continuation of the bloodshed operation of the red horse. And this signifies that judgment and bloodshed that has been on-going will continue and now the judgment and bloodshed will spread across the earth.
2. Again, this time, the bloodshed will be very serious and it is urgent.
3. Many people are not seeing and cannot see that the judgment of God is already going on across the earth and will continue.
4. Urgent prayer is needed for protection.
This again is the time for Repentance, Praying, Fasting, and Total Holiness in our Lord, Jesus Christ. This is the hour for Psalm 91 and total readiness for the imminent coming of The Lord at Rapture.
All the judgment that are coming upon the earth are the reward for man’s wickedness (Psalm 91:8). Only those who oppose all the wickedness and evils of this generation like Noah and Lot did in their own times, and are covered with the blood of Jesus Christ shall escape.
If you combined this vision with those of the global earthquake to come upon the earth and that of a golden vial already poured upon the earth, You will agree that judgment of God is coming and that Rapture is indeed imminent.
JESUS is coming. Time shall no longer delay. Stay ready.
Confess your sins to JESUS CHRIST and ask Him to save you.
Repent of your sins constantly on daily basis and run away from sins.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Live in Holiness and Righteousness.
Do all Restitutions. Cut off all worldliness.
Forgive all people.
Pray and fast.
Consecrate and study the bible.
Dear Friend in Christ, You are welcome to the Year, 2016. This Year, we shall continue our watching and waiting for the Lord’s return which is imminent.
My brethren, Let me stress emphatically, again, that The Lord, Jesus Christ’s return to rapture the true holy believers can take place any moment. This belief that rapture can take place any moment is premised on the happenings all around the world which accurately fulfill Bible prophecies and signs concerning Christ’s return. The numerous visions and dreams The Holy Spirit has poured upon us to signal to us that the Lord, Jesus Christ, is indeed coming strengthens us more.
One shocking facts about most of the revelations and visions that The Spirit of God, in His faithfulness, has been sending to us since the year, 2015, was that most of them are about events contained in the book of Revelation, the last book of the bible.
The book of Revelation is being fulfilled right before our eyes day by day. Very soon, He will come as a thief. I pray that we will keep our garments and our nakedness will not be seen on that day. Amen.
We present to you the first alert the Lord gives us for the year, 2016. It is about a golden vial whose content had been emptied upon the earth.
On the early morning of Friday, 8th January, 2016, about 5.40 a.m Nigerian time, the Lord gave me this alert which points to how close we are to His return.
In that dream, I saw myself on the road with one of my old school mates. She was a lady. We were going together on the road and discussing. She looked at the way I was dressed and began to talk about it. I did not know whether she was commending it or complaining about it. She was saying I always dressed too simple. I replied her that modesty is a Christian virtue. I wanted to explain to her further why a Christian should be modest in his dressing and everything he does, suddenly my eyes looked into the sky and I saw some angels in the sky standing on the cloud.
I called her to look into the sky and see angels in the cloud. She looked but complained that she did not see anything. I pointed at the direction where they are standing in the sky to her but yet she did not see anything. I left her alone and began to look carefully at the angels.
I did not count the exact number of the angels but they might not be more than ten. Some of them held trumpets in their mouths and others held some other instruments which I did not know. As I looked at them carefully, I noticed that all the angels rallied round a personality in particular. I looked at that person and saw it was the Lord, Jesus Christ. He had a crown on His head. With the way the angels surrounded Him, it might be that He was giving them some instructions.
After that, I saw one angel among the angels which held something different to the others. I called my friend to see what the angel was holding but she did not answer since she could not see them. Then, I noticed what the angel was holding was a golden vial. I began to shout it was a golden vial.
The angel turned the golden vial upside down and I noticed that the golden vial was empty. Its contents had already been poured on the earth.
As I noticed that the content of the golden vial was already poured on the earth, I realized this meant a victory for the Lord, Jesus Christ. With a joyful heart, I shouted ‘victory’ and rejoiced. Then I woke up.
As I woke up, the song of the hymn ‘we are going by and by to the palace of the King, glory to God, Halleluyah’ came into my mouth and I sang it.
Click here for the Biblical Analysis and Messages of this vision.
On Friday, 12.48p.m in the afternoon, Nigerian time, I had a serious revelation which suggests that the days we are living now are terribly evil and that any moment the bride of Christ will be taken away.
In a dream, I saw my brother, whom we monitor end-time events together, and I stand together in a place that appears to be a room and it appeared as if a news broadcaster was casting news and was saying that the spirits of rape, robbery, homosexuals, violence and so on had been pour out. It seemed as if the broadcaster was also warning people to be careful when they go out at nights because those spirits poured out are going to be most operational at nights.
As we were discussing, my brother informed me that, in addition to those spirits poured out, he also witnessed spells being cast out from the internet to make internet users yield to the operations of those spirits. He recited some words of the spell being cast from the internet to me. They were some mysterious dark sentences.
Then, I woke up and began to think about the dream. Then I concluded that those spirits poured out were the spirits of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Click here for the Scriptural Analysis of the dream.
On Thursday, 8th October, 2015, The Lord gave me an important instruction to those whose trust in Him at this time and who are preparing and focusing on His return at rapture.
Around 8.40a.m, Nigerian time, I saw a man who is my colleague at office. This colleague is a Christian brother and an highly career ambitious. I saw this young man sit on a seat and appeared troubled in his heart. I approached him and asked him what he was thinking.
He replied me that he was confused about two major things and that he did not know what to do concerning them. He narrated his two major concerns as follows.
-1 He said he believed the rapture would soon happened but he did not know whether to focus on Jesus or pursue his career. He raised concern of how to provide for his family if he should reduce his pursuit of career and become more focused on Jesus.
-2 The second concern he raised was that he did not know how to prepare for the rapture and also that nobody knows the day of rapture. And since He did not know how to prepare for rapture and the day of rapture, he would just continue living his life the way he wants.
After listening to his two concerns. I began to tell him words of assurance. I said he should focus on The Lord and prepare on His coming and not worry so much on how to provide for his family. I told him that The Lord would sustain him like widow of Zarephat and provide for Him like Elijah and he would not dash a foot against a stone.
Also, I informed him that the instruction on preparing for rapture had not changed. I said that for him to prepare he should repent, be baptized, do his restitution, forgive, watch, pray and never take away his eyes from The Lord, Jesus Christ, at any time.
As the dream continued, I remembered an earlier message that the Lord had given me in May 2013, that the 5th seal had already been broken. Then, I passed the message to him that the 5th seal had been broken and that the rapture would take place after that the 6th seal is broken and that could take place any moment. I directed him to read the book of Revelation, Chapter 5 and 6, and he would know the timeliness of rapture.
I woke up and faithfully related the message to my colleague concerned.
However, these instructions are, also, for all those who are preparing and made ready for the coming of The Lord as well.
Luke 21:34
34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
1 Kings 17:14-16 14 For thus saith the LORD God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the LORD sendeth rain upon the earth.
15 And she went and did according to the saying of Elijah: and she, and he, and her house, did eat many days.
16 And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by Elijah.
Revelation 6:12-17 12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Friends in Christ, Never take away your eyes from The Lord, Jesus Christ. Focus on Him. Be prepared and stay ready.
JESUS is coming. Stay ready.
I shared an alert the Lord gave me in the month of August, 2015 where I said I was made to see that all numbers are to be converted to the format of the number of the beast. You can read the alert below in this series of ‘serious rapture imminent messages’.
As if a follow up to that alert, The Lord gave me two new messages that will help us know that the number/mark of the beast system is fast engrossing the nations and that with the level the system is being executed no man or woman that misses the rapture might be able to escape the mark of the beast. It is a grand design to encompass everybody and that nobody might be able to buy or sell unless he gives in to the system of the mark of the beast.
On Saturday, 26th September, 2015, around 10p.m, Nigerian time, it was made known to me in my dream that countries that have not complied with the number of the beast system format will be schemed (shut) out of international trade and transactions. All citizens of such countries that have some financial transactions to do with other countries will be declined for non-compliance of their countries.
We can see how the devil is planning to capture everybody hierarchically and cause everybody to fall into his plans. If the devil succeeds in intimidating a country to accept his system, then the country can compel her citizens into the system. The game plan is that whoever opposes will be schemed out of buying and selling. And how can somebody survive if he is not allowed to buy or sell anything. You can now see why the Lord has to come.
Revelation 13:16-18 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
From the way many countries are forcing people to register everything and issuing of various numbers, we can be sure something is suspicious. At times, many of these registrations have to come with deadlines and on many occasions your services may have to be withdrawn to compel you to such registration. Bank accounts, SIM cards, plate numbers, National Identity and many more registrations are being compelled across many nations.
The second information that was passed to me was that very soon all emails address will have to be formed compulsorily with the user’s first name and surname. All users whose existing email addresses are not in this format may be asked to withdraw their email addresses or comply to the new format.
It was made known to me that this new email format was meant to capture everybody’s data by all means.
Brethren, this is really the time to look up for our redemption. This is the time to begin to look beyond this world. This is the time to get set at all time. Any moment, HE that must come will surely come.
For the second time on Saturday, 15th August, 2015, The Lord gave me a message about post rapture events. The first was the message about the arrival of Apollyon, the angel of the bottomless pit. That message is posted below.
In this new and second message, I saw one of my colleagues in the office. The examination number of a certain Secondary School Examination which he had written many years back was suddenly changed by the examiner. And the new number was communicated to him.
When my colleague received the new number, he became worried and concerned that he had used the old examination number to apply for many things with many agencies and now he had to approach all the agencies to present the new examination number to them. However, his fear was that the new examination number might be rejected.
I asked him to let me see the new number and he showed it to me. When I saw it, I told him that the new number had been converted to the ‘format’ of the ‘Number of The Beast’ and it would be accepted because all the agencies knew what they were doing.
Also, I told him that all other previous numbers which people had before that time would be changed to conform to the ‘format’ of the number of the beast. Also, I told him many new registrations would be enforced on people and the numbers that would be given for those registrations must all conform to the ‘format’ of the number of the beast.
Revelation 13:16-18 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Friends in Christ, Let us stay ready at all time. The Scriptures are fulfilling right in our presence. Any moment, the trumpet will sound. The only way to escape the tribulation that is coming is to escape with The Lord, Jesus Christ.
Bride of Christ, let us be more vigilant and prayerful. Except The Lord opened our eyes and we watch, we cannot decipher most of these occurrences. Let us stay ready at all time. The rapture can take place at any time. The Lord is already revealing events of the great tribulation.
On Saturday, 15th August, 2015, in the early hours Nigerian time, I had a revelation of Apollyon’s arrival being welcome with a new movie release titled Apollion.
In that revelation, I was watching an advert of a new movie on the television. The title of the movie was ‘Apollion’. I saw the exact word, ‘Apollion’ written on the on the screen.
After watching the advert, then I began to explain to people around me that the just released movie titled Apollion was released to welcome Apollyon mentioned in the book of revelation in the bible. I told them that Apollyon mentioned in the bible had arrived and they are welcoming him.
11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
In the afternoon of the same day, a friend that we shared news of end-time events sent me a text message of a certain popular female singer to do concerts in September, 2015 with themes about ‘desecrating the bride’ and ‘fallen angels’. And he ended the text message with question below:
’Is this a way of welcoming Apollyon’s army/aliens'?
Dear Friends, The Lord, Jesus Christ, is very serious about His coming to take the holy believers in Him. He is busy, Himself, sounding the warning to all people, even, to unbelievers for a testimony against them.
On Wednesday, 1st July, 2015, around noon, Nigerian time. The Lord showed me a man who used to be my best friend when I had not given my life to Jesus. He was a Muslim. I had preached to him to receive The Lord, after my conversion but he rejected vehemently. He put up several arguments against the scripture.
After remaining adamant and argumentative on the occasions that I shared the gospel with him, I left him alone with his faith but I was praying for him. The man, also, stylishly abandoned me and stopped visiting me or calling me.
That afternoon, The Lord showed me that man in my dream. I saw that I was together with him and he was testifying to me that The Lord had sent a little child to come and tell him, perhaps in his dream, that the Lord is coming, soon.
The man was sober as he was sharing the testimony with me. I saw the conviction that he believed what the little child had told him. He then stressed the word, 'soon' for me to understand how close it was. Then I realized how soon he was saying through the emphases on the word 'soon'. It was as if the real message he was passing to me was in the word, 'soon'.
After I realized how soon it was, I started to shout a deep 'Halleluyah' from my soul. My soul was so joyful. My Soul shouted the Halleluyah three times and I woke up.
The Lord is indeed coming.
Dear Friends, Day by day and more and more, many post-rapture events are being revealed. What else could The Lord be telling us if not that time is over.
On Wednesday, June 17, 2015, around 1.15p.m, Nigerian time, I had a revelation that I share as follows.
I saw that I was eating together in the same plate with two people. One of them was a pastor whom I am related to. As we were eating we were also watching a film.
In the film, we saw some people who were tied to some form of trees and were being terrorized by some people. Then the leader of the terror group began to say some things to the people being tortured but it was the antichrist that was speaking through him.
The pastor and the other person that we were eating together did not know that it was the antichrist that was speaking through leader of the torture gang. In fact, I realized that it was the antichrist that sponsored the production of the film. But I was disturbed that the other two people, including the pastor, did understand what was happening. They thought everything happening was just a movie and they were enjoying every bit of it. When I saw that they were not discerning what was happening, I started to interprete everything going on in the movie to them.
The gang leader then began to say he was not a terror. He then mentioned the name of the antichrist (Permit me not to mention the name, here, but the name mentioned is that of a very powerful ruler who is currently in power) and likened him to a great terrorist whose death was reported not too long ago. He said the ruler is the real terror. He also said some other things to the people they were torturing. As he was saying those things, I was interpreting them to the pastor and the other person who could not discern.
Then finally, he switched to say falsely and blasphemously that The Lord, Jesus Christ was the beast and that the person the ruler he mentioned was the Messiah. As soon as I heard him say that, I was convinced fully that it was the antichrist that had been speaking through the man and I shouted ‘antichrist’. Then I woke up.
When I woke up, the following was the interpretation that came to my heart.
1. The antichrist has sponsored the release of many evil movies to show what terrors, evils, deceptions and blasphemies he will unleash when he is eventually manifested but many Christians, even pastors, did not discern. They watch these evil movies with nonchalance.
2. All terror acts as we have being seeing going on around the world will be nothing compared to what the antichrist will do. The people being tortured in the movie were perhaps to show an example of what he would do to Christians that are left behind at rapture. All terror leaders as we have known will be nothing compared to him.
3. The antichrist, when eventually unleashed, will perhaps deceive people that Jesus Christ is not the Messiah and presents himself as the Messiah.
4. The spirit of antichrist and perhaps the false prophet that will lead people to him are in full operation all waiting for rapture to take place and the antichrist will manifest fully.
4. The spirit of antichrist and perhaps the false prophet that will lead people to him are in full operation all waiting for rapture to take place and the antichrist will manifest fully.
Revelation 13:5-7
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
Revelation 13: 11-12
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
The coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is really imminent. And though, we don’t know the particular day, yet, God in His mercy is using every available means to alert us that is it so near, even nearer than we may think.
I saw a person that came to me in my dream around 5a.m, Sunday, June 7, 2015, Nigerian time. I think it should a woman. She had come to me to ask me to pray with her that She may be blessed with a child.
Rather than prayed with her, I told her that instead of praying for a child, she should begin to get herself prepared for the coming of The Lord, Jesus Christ, at rapture because there was no more time to be praying for a child. I encouraged her to pray that she may be ready for the coming of The Lord, and that, as she prepares herself for His coming, if The Lord wishes He may bless her with a child while.
To buttress what I was telling the woman, I asked her to follow me to go and see something in the sky and she did. While we got outside, I looked into the sky and to my surprise, I saw an angel, holding a trumpet in his mouth, in the sky. I pointed to the sky for the woman to see. Initially, she had problem seeing the angel but she eventually saw the angel with the trumpet he was holding in his mouth. Then I looked at a few other directions in the sky and I saw a few other trumpets positioned in the sky and the dream ended.
Friends in Christ, The trumpet call of God will sound any moment. Let us be ready to answer the call at any time. The Lord, Jesus Christ, is indeed coming.
1 Corinthians 15:51-53
51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
I had a dream around noon, Saturday, 6th June, 2015, Nigerian time. I saw two people, I think they were two white men. I did not see their face clearly. I only saw their back. The men were citizens of a powerful country, as seen in the dream. The Policemen have arrested them. They were being moved from the Police vehicle to another vehicle when I saw them. It seemed their hands were handcuffed and the Police rough-handled them as they were been led to another Police car.
Then, I began to wonder what crime the two men had committed to make the Police arrested and maltreated them like that. I think it was flashed into my mind that the reason they were arrested was because they did not have ‘the mark’ (mark of the beast, I suppose).
In a switch of event, I saw a television screen and the name of The President of same country of the two men was displayed on the News bar and then, in my mind again, the name of The President was perhaps linked to the whole event - both the mark and the arrest.
Revelation 13:16-18
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 20:4
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
On Thursday, 28th May, 2015, around 2p.m Nigerian time, I had a dream which is still pointing to the imminent rapture and the eventual coming on stage of the man of sin with his number.
I was in a room which I guessed was my room and a technician was helping me to fix some electrical fault in my room. I had preached to the young man on few occasions and warned him to accept The Lord, Jesus Christ, and prepare for His coming in order to escape the wrath of God that was coming to the world but the young man was always gainsaying and rejecting.
I remembered how I tried to convince him in my last conversation with him, which was a few weeks ago to that time, that the beast and his mark was around but the man believed he had a way out apart from Jesus Christ.
Then, an advert was run on the television screen. In the advert, the figure 666 which was beautifully written in cursive style was shown on the tv screen. The narrator of the advert began to say in local language which I translated to English as follows. “It is here”. “Go and take your own”. “It is the right thing to do”. “The ones displayed here are the genuine ones”. He said those words as if, though, some counterfeit numbers had been released initially but then that the ultimate and the genuine number had eventually come out.
After the young man and I both watched and listened to the advert, I looked at him and said ‘with all my warnings, this thing finally came upon you’. As if to despise my concerns, the man just said glossly that God will help him.
On Sunday, 12th April, 2015, some few minutes close to 5a.m, The Lord, Jesus Christ, gave me another confirmation revelation to the series of imminent rapture messages he has been given me since the beginning of the year, 2015. The revelation also doubles as a warning for us, all, because in addition to The Lord reiterating that He is coming, He also calls on us to be more careful, perhaps not to make last minute mistake and carelessness.
In that dream, I saw that I was somewhere outside the street on an early night. Then, it was as if I stopped along the street to buy something. I cannot really recollect what it was I stopped to buy along the street.
As I stopped over to buy the item, I met some youths trying to discuss or argue about who betray trust more, between male and female, in a relationship. As I stopped over to buy the item, the youths kindly asked for my opinion about the subject they were discussing.
As I started to give my opinion, then suddenly, I looked into the sky and saw some strange signs in the sky. I saw some round objects in the sky. The objects looked like moon formed with bubbles of water and were floating about the sky as if blown around by air. Then I interrupted the discussion and pointed towards the sky for the people to see the objects.
I started warning them that they should see the signs in the sky. I began to say the following words ‘Let us be more careful, now, because any moment the rapture will happen’. The people realized the urgency and implication of what I was saying.
Then, my brother began to preach immediately. He started moving about the street shouting that ‘the day Noah entered the ark, the floods came upon the people’. Somebody also joined my brother and both of them were shouting along the street warning the people that ‘the day Noah entered the ark, the flood came upon the people’. ‘As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it’, they were shouting to warn the people.
I, also, began to warn the people alike telling them to look into the sky and see the sign in the sky. I was shouting ‘let us be more careful, now. Rapture is imminent.
37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
On Thursday, 2nd April, 2015, about half past midnight, I was shown the following revelation in a dream.
I saw that I was in my office and major news media had reported a possible overthrown of the government of Ethiopia. We were watching the news. Many citizens of Ethiopia were also seen parading the airports. They were making all efforts to run out of their country to other countries because of the unrest that had broken out in their country.
My colleagues and I were trying to analyze and pass comments about the political situation of that country. When I wanted to make my own comments, I started telling that with this overthrowing of Ethiopia, then Rapture is imminent.
I remembered clearly while making those comments that the scriptures say that Libya, Egypt and Ethiopia would all be overthrown by the antichrist when he came on stage. And then both Libya and Egypt had been overthrown in the year, 2011. Now, it is the turn of Ethiopia. I was shouting that Rapture is imminent, not minding that I was in the office. The dream then ended.
Daniel 11:40-44
40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.
42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
It was impressed in my heart that this message was to be a confirmation of the one given immediately below that the great tribulation has begun and Rapture is imminent.
In the early hours of Tuesday, 17th March, 2015, Nigerian time, I had, in a dream, this urgent and important message that The Great Tribulation has begun and that the rapture of the bride of Christ- the true believers that have been washed in the blood of Jesus Christ and are living a holy and righteous life is imminent.
In that dream, I saw that I was on a busy road in the city of Lagos, Nigeria. On the same road, some members of one of the two leading political parties in Nigeria, campaigning for votes for their party in the forthcoming Nigeria’ general election, also, on the same road. For the records, I had this dream on Tuesday, 17th March, 2015, and the Nigeria’s General Elections were to hold on 28th March, 2015 and 11th April, 2015.
Then, as I was going, I saw military men in uniform, armed with guns, have invaded the city. It was as if a major chaos had broken out and the soldiers had been released to combat it.
The soldiers started to point guns to people to raise up their two hands to let the soldiers see they were harmless. They pointed the gun to me also. And I raised my left hand up because I was carrying a bag with my right hand. They saw that I was harmless and they allowed me to go. The whole scene was chaotic.
Then, I saw about three or four of my university colleagues sitting on the edge of a gutter in the midst of the pandemonium. They might have been waiting for the pandemonium to calm down or trying to wonder what was happening or for some other reasons. Then, I went straight to meet them and said to them ‘Let me tell you what is happening. The Great Tribulation Has Begun. Any Moment Now, The Rapture Will Take Place’.
While I said this statement to them, I was fully conscious of what the Scripture says in the book of Revelation that the Bride of Christ will be raptured out of the great tribulation. The dream ended. Then, I woke up.
Revelation 7:9-14 9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
11 And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God,
12 Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.
13 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?
14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
On Monday, 19th January, 2015, around 11a.m Nigerian time, in a dream, I had a very deep revelation.
It was as if the rapture had just taken place and the whole earth was in a grief. Then, the antichrist manifested and took control of the whole world. Though, I did not see him but I knew he had come on stage. Also, it appeared I was not on the earth but I was made to see what was going on, on the earth from where I was.
Then with a deadly raging voice the antichrist the commanded the whole people that were left behind ‘‘worship me or die''.
After giving this command with his raging voice, I saw some people that were arrested for refusing to worship Him. The first person that was arrested was a woman. Then many other people who refused to worship him were also arrested.
Those people were then taken away to a secret place for torment and persecution and the next thing I heard voice of the arrested people being tormented in a gruesome way.
Revelation 20:4
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
On Friday, 16th January, 2015, I was in a worship session on my knees. My eyes were closed and I was Praising God. Then, a vision was brought to while I still in the worship mode. In the vision, I saw a woman. She was pointing her finger to her forehead and signaling at me to look at the forehead but I did not understand what message she was trying to pass across to me.
The second time, she pointed her finger to her forehead for me to see. Then suddenly I was made to understand in my spirit that the woman was trying to tell me that the time to receive the mark of the beast in the foreheads has come.
The vision was taken away and I continue with my worship.
Revelation 13:16-18
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Confess your sins to JESUS CHRIST and ask Him forgive and save you.
Repent of your sins constantly on daily basis and run away from sins.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Live in Holiness and Righteousness.
Do all Restitutions.
Cut off all worldliness.
Forgive all people.
Pray and fast.
Consecrate and study the bible.