Friday, 22 May 2015


Dear Reader,
We will like to inform you that The LORD, JESUS CHRIST, has revealed a lot of vision about His coming at rapture to us and we will like to share them in this page. The visions were revealed over a period of some years and we would have loved to compile all of them together before posting but The Signals the Lord has been releasing to us lately suggest that there is no time again concerning His coming. And such, we want to be treating our assignments with that understanding of urgency that He is communicating to us.

We cannot wait to compile all the visions and revelations before we post them. What if He had come before we finish compiling them? So we will post the few ones we have compiled and the other ones will be added to this page as they are ready. We encourage you to check this page often to check for updates.
There is absolutely no time to waste.


Towards the end of the last millennium – I cannot remember the actual year and date but it should be around 1998, I had my first dream of Rapture. Up till that time, I had never dreamt any terrible dream like that before, and for a long time after the time, I never had such dream again until about the time I became a born-again child of God and other dreams about rapture began to come.

At that time, I was an unbeliever from an idolatrous family background that was deep into idol worships and ritual makings. Though, I had had some Christians mentioned the word ‘Rapture’ may be on the television or street preaching or through some other means. I had also heard ‘666’ being mentioned before may be from my classmates. My thought, which I believe, was the thought of most other members of my family at that time, if not all, was that it was just a scare mongering to force people to accept their Jesus or come to their faith.

That fateful night, I had slept without a thought that I was going to have one of the most horrible nightmares of my life. In that dream, it was as if a calamity of a very high magnitude had just occurred to all the people of the earth. Everywhere was pitch dark. People were running in all directions and were confused and scared at the same time. I, also, was running but there was no headway.

If I tried to run through a street or a road, the road would have been barricaded or cordoned off and would bear a heavily conspicuous inscription ‘ROAD CLOSED DUE TO RAPTURE’. All roads I tried to escape through had that inscription. Then I woke up.

After I woke up, I found that the room I slept in was dark because there was no power supplied and made fear to be excruciating. To share the dream with somebody was even frightening to me. For many years after, I could still remember the dream, though, I kept it to myself.

This vision till date remains the most fearful I have ever seen till today. To me, it summarizes the account of ‘The Day of The Lord’ as recorded in the Bible. The Day of The Lord is The Day of Rapture.

Before I continue with the vision, I will like to quote two scriptures about the Day of The LORD from the bible – Amos 5:18-20 and Revelation 6:12-17

Amos 5:18-20
18 Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light.

19 As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.

20 Shall not the day of the LORD be darkness, and not light? even very dark, and no brightness in it?

Revelation 6:12-17
12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

With the underlined words from the two scriptures above, God was trying to let us know how terrible and horrible The Day of The Lord will be for those that will miss the rapture. But unless God makes us see the vision of what He is trying to say with words, we might not understand deeply or might not give due attention to what He is saying. Those that have seen the vision of hell know better what I am saying.

You can read the rest of the vision below.
It was February 2010. It was towards the end of the month but I did not remember the particular date. Still, I was an unbeliever at that time and God was trying to sensitize me what I would pass through I failed to give my life to Jesus- just as He is trying to wake us up today with signs of rapture everywhere all over the world, and we are pretending not see them. I thank God that I eventually yielded to His call, the month that followed.

In that dream, I saw that my siblings and I were together in a place. It was evening or early night. I could see the sun, the moon and the stars at the same time.

Then, suddenly, the sun began to give off and on its light profusely – the way a fluorescent lamp that is just put on will glow off and on before it finally lits and becomes stable. When the sun gave off its light, the whole earth will be thrown into darkness and the earth will become lit again when the sun gave its light.

This giving off and on, of the sun’s light was happening at quick succession and everybody was looking at the event with fear. It was as if something was trying to take away the light of the sun and the sun was trying to regain its light back. Eventually, the sun gave up and sparked and lost its light finally and the whole people on earth were thrown into gross darkness, fear and chaos.

As the whole plummeted into gross darkness because of the sun losing its light, the little rays of light that the stars could provide also became lost quickly. The stars began to fall upon the earth from the sky.  The stars were falling in all directions. Their lights made them visible as they fall, though; they also lost their lights as they approach the earth.

Everybody began to run for safety. The wild animals – the lions, the snakes and others ran out of the forests into the city. They were also looking for where to hide. The rats and bush rats ran out of their holes and human beings were trying to squeeze themselves into the holes that rats have abandoned to hide themselves inside those holes.

The seas and oceans were angry at the same time and they began to spew out their waters like tsunami upon the land to wash people away. I think I tried to hide under a coconut tree but the coconut were dropping sporadically and I ran away not to break my head. Trees were snapping, also. At that time, every human being on earth just realized they needed a savior. I, together with my siblings, that was trying to squeeze myself into holes of rats, also realized I needed a savior. Everybody was just in desperate need of a savior at that time.

Then some people that belong to a certain religion began to gather and began to go in a religious procession as if they had been instructed to behave like that once the event that I describing had taken place. They were shouting in Arabic language that ‘there is no god except their god and that their prophet is his messenger’. They were marching in procession at the same. They were also desperate for a savior and their chanting of that religious creed was with an expectation that it would save them out of that situation.

I quickly decided to join them in that procession. After all, I needed a hope of salvation and since following them appeared to be the way out I have been looking for. My sister, who was very much younger than I, pulled me back with all her strength and begged me not to join those people. I quickly reminded her that we needed a savior and the only reasonable thing to do at that time was to follow anyone or anything that seems to proffer a way out. Can you see why it might be so difficult for anyone that misses the rapture not to worship the antichrist during the great tribulation? They would need a way out and the antichrist would provide one for them – though a way of death eventually.

She held on to me with all her strength and urged me to bear and endure the tribulation we were in. She said it was better to endure the tribulation than to follow them. Then I obeyed her and asked for a reason. She told me that their prophet was not the way. Then somebody entered and woke me up. I was trembling to discover it was a dream all this while. I narrated the dream to that person and he said it was not an ordinary dream.

Since then I began to be disturbed. I knew something was about to happen. The Earthquake in Haiti and Chile had happened around that time. And those earthquakes made me more disturbed, together with the dream, but I just did not know what was about o happen until God helped me out in my next rapture dream.

Sunday, 10 May 2015




To see the batch 1 of the Prayer Collections, please click here.

Read PROVERBS 28:13 & PSALMS 51:1-19 and meditate on the scriptures and pray the prayers that follow                             
-  Confess sins and repent of your sins to The Lord, Jesus Christ and turn away from them.

-  Lord Jesus Christ, forgive me all my sins.

-  Lord Jesus Christ, wash me clean with your blood.

-  Lord Jesus Christ, wash me with your blood on the inside and on the outside.

-  Lord Jesus Christ, destroy the powers of satan ruling in my life with your blood.

-  Lord Jesus Christ, destroy the works of satan operating in my life with the blood of Jesus Christ

-  Lord Jesus Christ, destroy the influences of satan over my actions and thoughts with your blood.

- Lord Jesus Christ, destroy all the attacks of satan over me and my family with your blood.

- Lord, Jesus Christ, wash and cover my heart with your blood.

- Lord Jesus Christ, cover me, my family, my home and all my possessions with your blood.

- Lord, Jesus Christ, destroy all traps satan has set for me and my family with fire of Holy Ghost.

- Lord Jesus Christ, encamp me and my home with the fire of Holy Ghost.

-  Lord, Jesus Christ, I submit my will, worry, weakness, lack, plan and everything to you.

-  Lord, help me not to grieve the Holy Ghost and I submit myself for His leading

-  Lord, fill me with power and fire of Holy Ghost.

-  Lord, Jesus Christ, open my eyes to see the signs of your coming. Give me the grace to watch and be vigilant for your coming.

- Lord, Jesus Christ, let me hear your voice.

- Lord, take me with you to safety and save me.

- Lord, Jesus Christ, do not leave me behind when you come for the elect.

- Lord, Jesus Christ, give me the grace to focus my eyes upon you.

- Blood of Jesus Christ, wash me clean and pure.

- Lord, Jesus Christ, give me the grace never to break your heart anymore.

- Strong hand of Jesus Christ, snatch me from satan forever.

- Mighty Father, Let me love you before and above all things.

- Lord, Jesus Christ, acknowledge me before your father and His holy angels.

- Lord, let me be with you in your holy home in heaven.

- Lord, JESUS CHRIST, reveal yourself in me.

- Lord, JESUS CHRIST, show me the real me.

– Lord, JESUS CHRIST, Your precious blood you bought me with should not be at a loss.

-  O Lord, JESUS CHRIST, give me the grace to be steadfast for you in these last days.

- Lord, give me the grace to distance myself from the pollutions and sins of this world.

- HOLY SPIRIT, prepare me ready to go with Christ at rapture.

- O Lord, Your hand that you extend, let me grasp it and lead me to safety.

- Lord, Jesus Christ, separate me unto yourself and sanctify me.

- O Lord, convict me and tell me of my sins.

- O Lord, give me the strength to overcome all trials and tests.

- O Lord, wherever the world is holding unto me, cut it away from me.

- Lord, Jesus Christ, cover me with your blood from all the end-time attacks of satan.

- Lord, Jesus Christ, give me open eyes and open hears.

-     - O Lord, give me grace of steadfastness and worthiness of your return.

-       O Lord, destroy all the works of the devil in my life and that of my family.

-       Let your death for me and my family not be in vain.

-      Justify me, O Lord.

-   Give me the grace to make any correction and restitution i need to make before your return,  Lord.

-     Amazing Holy Spirit, give me the grace not to discount your word, not to doubt your word, and not to cast away your word.

-      Lord Jesus Christ, please rapture me with your church.

-      Lord, Jesus Christ, let my family choose to be rescued.

-      Holy Spirit, open my spiritual eyes to see the truth.

-   Lord Jesus Christ, give me the grace not to mistreat your regulations and commandments.

-      Fill my vessel with the precious oil.

-      O Lord, give me the grace to handle your Spirit with care.

-      O Lord, give me the grace not to grieve your HOLY SPIRIT.

-      Lord, Jesus Christ, finish transgression in my life.

-      Make an end of sin in my life.

-      Lord, Jesus Christ, reconcile me to God.

-      Lord, restore me to an everlasting righteousness.

-      O Lord, Jesus Christ, please show me where I have spot or stain sticking to me so that I may be ready for your coming.

-      Holy Spirit of God, keep me away from sin.

-      Lord, Jesus Christ, fill me with your Holy Spirit in full measure.

-      Holy Spirit, fill my vessel with your oil in Jesus name.

-      Lord Jesus, give me the Spirit of forgiveness.

-      Lord Jesus, give me the grace to keep my eyes fixed on you.

-      Lord Jesus, give me the grace to stay in your Will.

-      Lord Jesus, give me the grace to spend the days before your coming without falling.

  -    O Lord, give me a heart that will be pleasing to you and follow you the way I should.

-      O Lord, count me among the few that will enter your kingdom.

-      O Lord, give me the grace not to be cruel to you.

-      O Lord, give me the heart of total surrender.

-      Give me the grace to be accounted worthy to go.

-      O Lord, give revelations and enlightenment to my eyes.

-      O Lord, give me your heart.

-      Lord, as your blood doesn’t lose strength, fill me with the power of your blood.

-      O Lord, prepare me ready for your coming at all times.

-      O Lord, I pray, the enemy will not pull me away from you in Jesus' name.

-      Lord, Jesus Christ, wash my robes in your precious blood.

-      O Lord, let me watch for your coming.

-      Lord, Jesus Christ, let me hear the sound of the trumpet of your coming.

-      O Lord, lift me to safety with your protective hand.

-      Lord Jesus, let me walk in your way with your feet and lead me to all truth.

-      Holy Spirit, take over my spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.

-      Lord Jesus, let Your heart beat in my heart.

-      Holy Ghost, come and protect me, counsel me, teach me, help me, comfort me and lead me.

-      Holy Ghost, lead me down paths of righteousness, wholeness, purity, mental stability, peace, contentment, Love.

-      Lord Jesus Christ, give me the grace to choose for you.

-      Purify me with your fire, wash me in your blood and cleanse me by your word.

-      Lord, Jesus Christ, let me not see the coming corruptions and carnage.

-      O Lord, dress me with your fine glowing pure apparel.

O Lord, send me as labourer into your harvest. Also send labourers to harvest souls for you.

-      Give me courage, leadership and strength to preach the gospel.

-      O Lord, let me be at the marriage supper of your bride.

-      O Lord, cleanse me by the washing of regeneration and purify me.

-      O Lord, let nothing pluck me out of your hand.

-      O Lord, search my hearts and reveal the truth to me.

-      Count me worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man.

-      Give me the grace not to walk past you.

-      Let me have the seal of the Holy Ghost.

-      Uncover every veil that is guarding your truth.

-      Establish my feet on the narrow path.

-      Don’t let me fall away on the narrow path.

-      Lead me to be an overcomer.

-      Don’t let my foot to hang on the abyss of hell.

-      Preserve my body, soul and spirit blameless till the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

-      Wear me the wedding garment of your bride.

-      Give me the grace not to commit fornication and adultery.

   -      Father in heaven, fill me with anointing of renewal and refreshment.

-    Father in heaven, give me the grace to see you in your heavenly kingdom.

-      Father in heaven, fill me with a new courage and strength.

-  Father in heaven, fill me with a new anointing of hope and expectation of our coming.

-    Lord, Jesus Christ. Father in heaven, fill me with a new anointing of hope and confidence and patience.

-    Father in heaven; give me a pure heart and a clean hand that I may come to your holy mountain.

-      Holy Ghost, lead me to all truth.

-      Lord Jesus, show me the mysteries of your kingdom.

-      Lord Jesus, show me the mysteries of your word.

-      Lord Jesus, please give me the grace not to fall away till i enter your kingdom.

-      Lord Jesus give me grace over willful sin help me to get rid of the sin in my life help me to keep walking on the narrow path.

-      Let my zeal and enthusiasm for you become intensified again my zeal for you will not go the enemy.

-      Let me die a complete death to the flesh. break every stronghold of the enemy in my life

-      I give all glory to God, the Father.

-      O Lord, cover me and keep me from the coming storm.

-      O Lord, I come under your blood covering. Save me.

-      O Lord, let me find safety in you when you come for your bride.

-      O Lord, knead me into pure gold.

-      O Lord, let me be ready for your coming.

-      O Lord, let me serve FATHER GOD and not mother earth.

-      Lord, Jesus Christ, give me the spirit of obedience at all times.

-      The arrows shot by the evil ones will not hit me.

-      Arrows of my enemies will miss target, in Jesus' name.

-      Break all the curses of my life, everyday.

-      Show me how to pray for optimum protection.

-      Holy Ghost, purge me in the flames of your fire.

-      Lord Jesus, don’t let me look back like Lot's wife.

-      Let my plough move forward and not back.

-      Pray for yourself as led by the Holy Ghost.

-      Pray for salvation of your family.

-      Pray for salvation of your neighbors.

-      Pray for salvation of colleagues and friends.

-      Pray for salvation of others including strangers.

- Pray for Christians living in endangered places to receive courage and strengthening of Holy Ghost and not to deny Jesus.

-      Pray for Persecuted Christians to be faithful till the end.

-      Pray for Christians under bondage to gain freedom.

-     Pray for Christians going through afflictions and difficulties to be comforted and receive provisions from The Lord.

-      Pray for backsliders to return to The Lord.

-      Pray for sick believers to be healed.

-      Pray for God to bless believers that are seeking the fruit of The Womb.

-      PRAY. PRAY. PRAY. PRAY FOR CHRISTIANS Who are spiritually blind to receive sight.

- ALSO PRAY FOR CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL FOR SALVATION. Pray that God should turn their Saul of Tarsus to Paul The Apostle.


Confess your sins to JESUS CHRIST and ask Him forgive and save you.

Repent of your sins constantly on daily basis and run away from sins.

Be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Live in Holiness and Righteousness.

Do all Restitutions.

Cut off all worldliness.

Forgive all people.

Pray and fast.

Consecrate and study the bible.
