Saturday, 23 July 2022
Glory to God in the Highest! Amen! On Friday, April 8th, 2022, at about 12.05 p.m. Nigerian time, I had a dream, which is still pointing to the time we are living in, the time of the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
the dream, I saw the outbreak of prostitution in Nigeria. Young girls in large
numbers suddenly give-in to commercial prostitution, even girls that I knew
were among those that I saw in the revelation. And they became so bold, so
daring, so effrontery in carrying out their trades of prostitution that nobody
could even talk to them or ask them, ‘what is this that you doing’?
were even doing their prostitutions in the open, not in their brothels anymore,
but right on the streets, where people could see them, on the streets. They
were in different clusters; like a set of three girls and one boy belonging to
one cluster, and doing their trades, raw.
was so scary and there were so many diseases them. Sexually transmitted
diseases broke out among them.
remember, sometimes ago, the Lord revealed to me that LGBT activities are going
to rise in Nigeria. I remember, I called for on prayers intercessors to pray
against the fulfilment of that dream because that will be a direct invitation
to the wrath of God upon Nigeria, if that dream of LGBT is fulfilled.
is another! I am using this medium to call on intercessors to please pray that
God will not allow the situations of Nigeria will not degenerate to the point
that our girls will be given to unrestrained prostitutions. Also intercede for
security. Intercede that LGBT activities will not escalate in Nigeria. Pray
that prostitution and activities of Sodom and Gomorrah will not escalate in
of the Dream
Proverbs 30:8
8 Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor
riches; feed me with food convenient for me:
9 Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is
the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in
One of the reasons and excuses that people give for going into crime
and sins, especially prostitution, is poverty. It will also be worthy of
mentioning that one of the gross abominable acts during the days of Noah was
sexual abominations, which include prostitution, homosexuality, lesbianism,
bestiality and the such. However, the Lord, Jesus Christ, said such
unrestrained abominable acts will repeat before his coming.
Luke_17:26 26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
we place the dream under the binoculars of these two scriptures, we can
conveniently infer the followings;
Sexual prostitutions, like as in the days of Noah, will skyrocket.
Economic hardship that will push many into crimes and perversions, one of which
is prostitution, may also become harsher.
Many more sexual transmitted diseases, especially among commercial sex workers,
will spring up.
Sexual abominations of the days of Noah will resurface, rapidly.
view of these, let us continue to pray for Nigeria that God will bring relief
from this present economic crisis Nigeria going on. Let us also endeavor to
help ourselves, especially the less-privileged people, campus girls, widows and
the fatherless to avoid people going into prostitutions because of hardship and
Jesus is coming. Stay
ready in absolute repentance, holiness and watchfulness.
is, indeed, imminent.