Monday 26 October 2015


I slept very late on Monday, 12th October, 2015 due to some reasons. I slept around 2 a.m, Nigerian time. As my practice before I sleep, I go round the house and put of all the electrical appliances, check if all the doors were properly locked and ensure everything was in proper place. Then, I go and lay on the bed and sleep.

That particular night, I was just about to leave my bedroom to go and do the night inspection before I sleep and I checked the time from my GSM phone. It was 1.55 a.m Nigerian time.

I did the inspection and came to my bed to sleep. I did not check the exact time I mounted my bed but I guessed I had used about 5 minutes to do the inspection. The next time I woke up, it was by a terrible dream and it was 2.21 a.m.

As I woke up trembling, I calculated how long I had slept to have such a dreadful dream. I remembered I had gone to inspect the rooms and the compound at 1.55 a.m and could had spent about 5 minutes on that assignment. How many minutes did I lay on bed before sleep took me off? I wondered. How could I have slept so quickly and had such a fearful dream in about 15 minutes? I concluded God must have deliberated made me all these things to happen as a confirmation that the dream is prophetic and a message from Him.

In that dream, I saw some few people and me in an office complex that was either a 2 or 3 storey building. We had written an examination and two of us (one person and me) had submitted in the examination that we believed that we were in the end-time. The two of us that made the claim that we were in the end-time were selected for interview to explain to them why we believed we were in the end-time.

Each of us was asked to give a 30 minutes speech to convince them that we were really in the end-time. The second person was the first to give her speech to the examiners but she was not convincing enough in her speech. So, I had planned a more convincing speech. She finished her speech and stopped and I got ready to deliver my own speech.

I had not even started my own speech when a the building began to shake violently. Everybody tried to run out of the building but we were being tossed about with violent shaking. People fell down and were tossed about on the floor of the building. I fell down and was rolled on the floor to and fro. The roof, windows, doors of the building had been shattered and blown off. I was afraid that the building might collapsed on me as I rolled down the stairs.

On getting down to the ground floor of the building, I quickly ran into the street. I saw very many branches of trees that had been severed by the quake. Many trees were also uprooted by the quake. All the trees were stock one upon another and were very many. Two things that shocked me were that none of the branches had a single leave left on it. All the leaves had been blown off by the quake before tearing the logs of trees down. Also, those logs of trees were so big that they could kill anyone if they fell on them.

I saw signs of water everywhere on the streets but I did not know whether it had rained before the quake or the quake resulted in rain or tsunami. The quake was so severe people almost ran mad. I almost lost consciousness and so was everybody confused.

After the quaking subsided and there was a little calmness, I summoned courage and boldness to preach. I approached some young men that sat at a place and said to them ‘Praise the Lord’. The young men replied back with ‘Halleluyah’. After that, I began to tell them that Jesus is coming.

They asked me how I knew that Jesus is coming. I knew it was the earthquake that the bible prophesied in the book of Revelation 6:12. I replied them, ‘this global earthquake is the sign that He is coming. When I said that, the people started to mock me. They hated the idea that they had to be shaken violently just to signal that Jesus is coming. They said to me that even the idols in their village did not have to shake people with ferocious earthquake before it can ‘save’ them.

I tried to persuade them further to give their lives to Jesus Christ but what I was saying made no sense to them. I perceived that they were planning in their heart to attack me if I continued further. So, I quickly ran away from them. As I ran away, I began to say that I have to call my brother and fast for three days

Then I woke up. I checked the time. It was 2.21a.m. I opened my bag and brought a pen and a book and began to document what I had seen. While I was writing, I was feeling a great rumbling and shaking in my bones. It lasted for some minutes before the rumbling stopped and I became calm.


Truly nobody knows the day of rapture but we are given the timeliness of rapture in the bible. By timeliness of rapture, I mean the sequence of events that will culminate at rapture. I believe God, The Father, had deliberately given us the time line of rapture not to keep us in total darkness as to the biggest event prophesied in the bible.

For you to understand the sequence or the chronology of those events, please study the book of revelation chapters 6 and 7. You can also study about a book titled the book with the 7 seals posted here. Each of the seals of that book had to be broken and as each seal is broken we are getting nearer to rapture until rapture eventually takes place after the breaking of the 6th seal.

Let us look at some scriptures.

Joel 2:31
31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD (day of rapture) come.

In the prophecy above, given by Prophet Joel, about the day of the Lord (day of rapture), the following things are to be noted.

i the sun shall turn to darkness.

ii the moon shall turn to blood.

iii the two things above must happen BEFORE the day of rapture comes.

It will be of interest to you to know that the prophecies i and ii above have been fulfilled. The last of the blood moons came out on September 28 and was visible across many nations. I had received several visions concerning these blood moons.

You can learn more about the blood moon through this YouTube video. (I would have posted the video here but I was not able to get permission to use. So I posted the link).

Now, let us consider the second scripture

Revelation 6:12 12
12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

When John was given the vision about rapture above, he saw those things that Prophet Joel saw above and a little more than Joel.

The following things are to be noted about the vision of John.

i moon turned to blood and sun to darkness (same thing Joel saw)

ii there was a great earthquake that made all people to go and hide.

iii the two things above must happen AFTER the 6th seal has been broken.

Let me quickly say that on March 23rd, 2013, it was revealed to me that the 5th seal had been broken, already. So we had been eagerly waiting for the breaking of the 6th seal which will eventually lead to rapture.

Now, since the moon had turned to blood and sun to darkness, two conclusions can be drawn as follows.

i the 6th seal had been broken.

ii. the great earthquake will also happen.


i the great earthquake (global earthquake) will take place any moment.
This earthquake will shake the earth and all the nations like never before. The earthquake will remove mountains and islands. An island is a piece of land surrounded by water. If the earthquake removes islands, this may trigger Tsunamis which in a way corresponds to the water I saw on the streets in the dream.

ii Give your life to Jesus Christ and be covered with His blood.
Sinners, unbelievers and backsliders, please come to the Lord quickly and surrender at His feet before the door of grace is shut. Do not miss the opportunity to be saved. The Lord is using every mean possible to wake you up from slumbering.

iii. Sanctify a fast
Fasting (Joel 2:15) and Praying that God should spare you (Joel:17) at this time is a spiritual instruction for believers at this time. My family had already fasted for 3 days mentioned in the dream. You can ask God for direction how you should fast but do not waste too much time in doing that. We do not know the day the earthquake will happen.


i the earthquake cannot be stopped.
Please, do not pray that the earthquake should not happen. If you do so, you will acting against the will of God. God had ordained the earthquake more than 2000 years ago. Peter tried to stop the death of our Lord, Jesus Christ, twice, but the Lord rebuked him. The Lord, Jesus Christ, made Peter to know that his death had been ordained from the foundation of the world. You can only pray for mercy, protection and that God should remember mercy even in anger and reduce the severity and destructions. You can also pray that loss of life should be minimal.

ii. rapture may not delay any longer after the earthquake.
We can deduce from the scripture that the only extremely little time that God will allow after the great earthquake is just for two things – to give a little more time for people to repent (Joel 2:31) and to seal the 144,000 Jews in their forehead (Revelation 7:3-4).
After this extremely little time which may be few minutes, or hours, or days, or weeks, after the great earthquake – nobody knows, the rapture takes place as seen in the scriptural time line of God (Revelation 7:9,14)

Dear Bride of Christ,
Bill Wiese, in his book, titled, HELL, made an assumption that supposing a scientist had knowledge of an asteroid that is coming to hit the earth. Perhaps, he had information of the size of the asteroid, the location the asteroid might hit, the date of hit, the speed of travel of the asteroid and the likely impact and kept the information to himself, alone, without informing the government. That scientist might be jailed. He has refused to warn the nation.

God is now sending His warnings and I have faithfully passed it across that nobody’s blood may be required of me. Let Him that hath understanding hears what the Spirit of God is saying to the Church.

I believe with the analysis above, the message of this dream is adequately passed. Prepare your garment and be ready. Soon, He comes.
Rapture is, indeed, imminent.



Confess your sins to JESUS CHRIST and ask Him to save you.                   Repent of your sins constantly on daily basis and run away from sins.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit
Live in Holiness and Righteousness
Do all Restitutions.
Cut off all worldliness.                                                                             Forgive all people.                                                                                         Pray and fast.                                                                                     
Consecrate and study the bible.                                                                       Watch.


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