Wednesday, 29 June 2016


Dear Friend in Christ,

On Thursday, 2nd June, 2016, early morning, I had a dream which confirms the imminence of the return of the Lord, Jesus Christ and the extent of seriousness that is given to the announcement of His coming. I will share the dream below and give some words concerning the seriousness that God wants us to give to announcing the coming of The Lord.

In that dream, in one instance, some fishermen went fishing and caught some fishes. But to their surprise, the sentence, ‘JESUS is coming’ was found inscribed on one or more of the fishes. On another occasion, a goat or a sheep gave birth to a baby and also the sentence ‘JESUS is coming’ was also found inscribed on the new born animal as it was being born.

These two strange occurrences were reported on major television and new media across the world. I also watched the news and I also saw the news clip of those animals – the fish and the goat. I also saw the fishermen who caught the fish that had the inscription.

The news made waves around the world. After the news, those two occurrences were being discussed by many people on the streets. The dream ended.
This dream carries a very serious and sensitive message about the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Let us now look at a brief study below titled ‘Announcing the Coming of The Lord, Jesus Christ’ and subsequent interpretation of this dream.

Before we look at how we should announce the coming of the Lord and how we should be serious about that announcement, let us first consider how the announcement of the birth of Jesus was done.

1. The stars announced His birth. (Mathew 2:2, 9-10)

2. Men announced His birth. (Luke 2:17, Mathew 2:1-2)

3. Angels proclaimed His birth. (Luke 2:7-11)

While these announcements were going on, there was a rejoicing in heaven (Luke 2:13-14) but the enemy (Herod) was sad and resisted both the announcement and the birth (Mathew 2:3, 16).
We can see from the scriptures above how the announcement of the birth of Jesus Christ was announced. Let us now look at the God’s expectation from us concerning the announcement of the coming of The Lord at rapture.

In like manner as His birth, the announcement of the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ at rapture should be given all seriousness. Let us look at some of God’s instructions for us concerning the coming of the Lord.
Let us read a few scriptures to see how serious the instructions for the announcement of the coming of the Lord could be.

How To Announce The Coming Of The Lord, JESUS CHRIST at Rapture
1. The Coming of Jesus is to be announced On the Mountain Top: (Isaiah 40:9-10)
Isaiah 40:9 
9 O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!

10 Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.

From the underlined portions of the scripture above, God is calling the believers to get into high mountains and announce unto the cities to behold, their God is coming. If you considered the underlined portion of verse 10, you will understand that the scripture is talking about the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ, when He will give rewards to His children according to the works they have done for Him. This is corroborated by Revelation 22:12 which also talks about His coming, and His reward based on works done.

     Revelation 22:12
12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

What then is the essence of announcing the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Mountain Top? You may ask? The essence is to get maximum number of people reached with that announcement. Can you imagine when The Lord, Jesus Christ was seated at the top of the mountain delivering the beatitude and all the disciples and the multitude of people seated at the foot of the mountain to listen to Him? All the people will see Him on the mountain without obstruction. By sitting on top of the mountain to preach, the entire multitude will also hear his message without hindrance. In other words, maximum number of people will be reached by His preaching.

Many times, I have seen myself in dreams running as very fast as possible and announcing to all people that Jesus is coming. They should be prepared. At times, I would climb the tree so that I would be able to catch the attention of all the people. Then, I would start shouting that Jesus is coming and that the People should prepare. At times, I would see myself running into the market and streets and shouting with all my strength that Rapture is imminent. This is the approach that we should apply to the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

If we apply this to our modern time, we will realize that every means of announcing the coming of the Lord that will bring the maximum reach to all people should be adopted. This include internet, newspaper, GSM phones, Satellite TV, Bill boards and so on. If you live in a mountainous area, you can even go to the mountain top and announce the coming of the Lord.

One day, I went to a place where we had to cross a river by the boat. There was quite some number of people on that boat. After I came down from the boat, I was convicted in my heart that I should have preached on that boat and announce the coming of the Lord to the passengers on the boat as we journeyed across the river. That is the type of approach that the message of the coming of the Lord requires.

2. The Coming of Jesus is to be announced with all Strength: (Isaiah 40:9-10)
Isaiah 40:9 
9 O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!

10 Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.

This is exactly what I always see myself do in dreams and visions. I would preach and preach till I lost all my strength and my voice and became extremely tired. This is the approach God demands from us when it comes to telling people that the Messiah is coming and that they should prepare.

3. The Coming of Jesus is to be announced without Fear: (Isaiah 40:9-10)
Isaiah 40:9 
9 O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!

10 Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.

The scripture above calls us to lift up our voice without fear and announce to the world the coming of the Lord. As there was an Herod who was disturbed by the news of the birth of Jesus and resisted that birth, there are of course, many Herods in these last days who will resist the announcement of the coming of The Lord, Jesus Christ and may do everything to silence us but we must not be afraid.

Noah preached without fear, even though the people rejected His message.

3. The Coming of Jesus is to be announced to all People: (Joel 2:1)
Joel 2:1 
1 Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand;

The expected God’s reaction for our failure to announce the coming of the Lord properly is the same as what His reaction would be to our failure to carry out any of His other assignments.

When we study the scripture carefully, the following things can happen.

1. God may replace the Person who failed to perform His assignment: If a man fails to carry out the assignment God appoints for Him, God can replace that man with another man that will do the assignment. God replaced Elijah with Elisha (1 Kings 19:16) when the former could no longer continue with the assignment.

Today, many church leaders are not announcing the coming of the Lord to their congregation even when the signs of His coming are prevalent everywhere and are staring at us every day. Many more church leaders are not preparing the congregation for the coming of the Lord.
Instead, some are merchandising the Gospel. Some are preaching another gospel and doctrines of the devil (Galatians 1:8-9, 1 Timothy 4:1) and yet some had fallen out of faith (2 Thessalonians 2:3). And for these reasons, God may be replacing them with those who will go out and announce the coming of the Lord and prepare those who are willing.

2. God may send Angel to come and perform the Assignment.
Mathew 22:8-10
10 Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were
bidden were not worthy.

11 Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.

12  So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.

The servants sent out in this scripture are the Angels of God. They are sent out by God to go and gather people unto the marriage supper of The Lord.

3. God may use other creatures to Perform The Assignment:

Luke 19:36-40
36 And as he went, they spread their clothes in the way.

37 And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of
Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God
with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen;

38 Saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace
In heaven, and glory in the highest.

39 And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him,
Master, rebuke thy disciples.

40 And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

In the scripture above, the Pharisees asked Jesus Christ to command His disciples to stop praising God. But the reply of the Lord, Jesus Christ was that, if they failed to praise God, stones would take up that duty and start to praise God.

If we analyzed the reply of the Lord, Jesus Christ, we can conclude that the duty of praising God is so serious and important that if man should fail in doing it, stones would take up the assignment. This, in a way, falls into the category of replacement mentioned above. The only difference is that man would not be replaced by another man to carry out the announcement but by a non-human thing. The task is so serious. It must be carried out whether by man, if he is ready to do it, or by animal who will be glad to take up the man’s position or at the least  by stones.

1. The issue of the announcement of the coming of the Lord is so serious.

2. Fishes and Animals with ‘JESUS is coming’ Inscriptions will soon be found and will make the News all around the world.

3. Rapture is imminent.

JESUS is indeed coming. Stay ready in absolute Repentance, Holiness and Rigteousness.

Confess your sins to JESUS CHRIST and ask Him to save you.                 
Repent of your sins constantly on daily basis and run away from sins.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Live in Holiness and Righteousness.
Do all Restitutions.                                                                                        Cut off all worldliness.                                                                     
Forgive all people.                                                                                   
Pray and Fast.                                                                            
Consecrate and Study The Bible.                                                         

Sunday, 26 June 2016


Dear Friend in Christ,
Have you ever witnessed a pregnant woman go through labour (child delivery) pain? There is no child that is born without the mother going through labour pain or otherwise called birth pang- pang is another word for pain. The woman that wants to give birth to a child normally begins to experience pains few days or hours before the child is actually born. The pain begins gradually and increases in intensity and frequency until the child is born.

The Lord Jesus Christ likens the signs of His coming to rapture His Bride to that of birth pain (John 16:21-22, Mathew 24:8, Revelation 12:2). The signs begin to appear gradually and then increase in intensity, magnitude and frequency until the rapture takes place.

For a woman giving birth, the moment just before the baby comes out is the moment that she experiences the greatest pain. Once the baby comes out of the mother, the joy of the arrival of the new baby overcomes the memory of pain that the mother passed through. 

In the same manner, the moment before the rapture takes place is the moment the signs of the coming of the Lord become most intensed and frequent.

As part of our watching for the signs of His coming, we present two video alerts. The signs are becoming most frequent, intensed, disturbing and frightening altogether. Soon, We ll leave this world to be with The Lord and we shall forget all the pains we have gone through.

The videos are used with permissions from 'The Two Preachers' on YouTube.

YouTube Video Courtesy The Two Preachers 

YouTube Video Courtesy The Two Preachers

Luke 21:25-28
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nationswith perplexitythe sea and the waves roaring;

26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

         28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your              heads; for your redemption draweth nigh

JESUS is coming. Time shall no longer delay. Stay ready.

Confess your sins to JESUS CHRIST and ask Him to save you.                      Repent of your sins constantly on daily basis and run away from sins.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Live in Holiness and Righteousness.
Do all Restitutions.
Cut off all worldliness.                                                                     
Forgive all people.                                                                                   
Pray and fast.                                                                            
Consecrate and study the bible.                                                         

Sunday, 5 June 2016


I will like to share a question that one of those who visited our blog asked me by email concerning the use of contraceptions. I share the question, our first response, the subsequent dream and then the interpretation of the dream which served as the second reply to the writer.

The Question                                                                                 
Dear sir/madam,

God bless you for this great website which holds so much information on holiness, righteousness and end time awareness for those sincerely eager to obey God fully.

Please I would like to know if you have any divine information on the above topic, in other words is it good for contraceptive to be used by families as a family planning method.

Over here in Europe doctors recommend all kinds of implants and injections etc.

Thank you in advance.

‘Name withheld’. (We purposely withheld the real name)

Our First Response To The Question:
Dear ‘Name Witheld’,

Thank you for contacting JESUScoming and for the complimentary comments about the blog of the Lord.

We have added you to our mailing list and you will be receiving our subsequent mails.

Issues of contraception are controversial among Christians. There are various reasons why Christians support or oppose the use of contraception.

I cannot give a categorical answer to this question because the bible did not talk categorically about contraception. However, we can make inference from the bible and use it to form own our opinion.

1. Romans 1: 26-27 talks about changing the natural way of God and Isaiah 24:5 talks about changing the ordinance of God. We can suggest based on these two scriptures that God does not want us to change His established patterns or ways of doing things. 

- In my opinion, many of these pills or injections might affect the menstrual cycle of the woman, or kill a fertilized egg which is an already formed life or change the physiology of the woman. By this, we will be violating the scriptures quoted above.

- Again, then you can say what about condoms that will not affect menstrual cycle of the woman, nor kill a fertilized egg nor change the physiology of the woman.

I will also say that this habit still violates the scriptures above because God's plan and natural way of intimacy between man and his wife is that the semen goes down straight into the woman so that God's plan of replenishing the earth can be fulfilled. Using condom is similar to what happen in Genesis 38:7-9 where Onan spilled his semen on the ground so that the woman would not be pregnant and God slew him for doing that. If there had been condom at the bible time, Onan might have used it. From this, we can also draw the analogy that God may not like that we should hinder the semen from going down into the woman.

At least once, I have been convicted for not pouring the semen into my wife and I have also watched YouTube videos reporting of divine encounter with The Lord, Jesus warning Christians to disengage from the use of contraception.

Does that mean we cannot control birth? No! 
I think the only way that will not violate any of the scriptures above is one of the following ways:

- You can meet with your wife only in her safe period. A woman will get pregnant if you meet with her around her ovulation time. If you meet with her outside of that time, she might not be pregnant. Meet your doctor to help you determine the safe period of your wife.

To ensure that you do not meet with her during the time she might be pregnant, you can set aside those days for fasting. For instance if the doctor told you that base on the menstrual cycle of your wife, if you meet with her on the 12th to 18th, she might be pregnant, set your fasting to 11th to 19th of the month.

The fasting will make you to be disciplined during that period. After the ovulation time, you can start to meet your wife without resulting to pregnancy.

- You can also agree with God in prayer that you do not want to use any contraception and that God should help you delay pregnancy from coming till you are ready again. This needs you to be faithful. But if your faith cannot carry it, you can practise the safe period mentioned above.

If you need more information or clarification, please, let us know.

Thank you. 

Our Follow Up Response To The Question
After having the dream which I title Touch Not Unclean Thing, the second reply was written to the person who asked the question. The reply is given below. It contains both the dream and the interpretation and how I suppose it relates to the question that was asked.

Dear ‘Name With held’,

Subsequent to this question you asked about the issue of contraceptives, I will say that the Lord gives me a revelation which might be related to your question. I am planning to post the message on our 'rapture imminent messages' series on our blog but before I do that I deem it fit to share it with you first since you are the one that directly asked the question and perhaps may be the Lord has an information for you through.

The vision goes thus:

On Thursday, March 10, 2016, around 2.39 am, Nigerian time, after I finished midnight prayer and waiting on God, I fell asleep. Then, I had a revelation which contains two messages in one. The first of the two messages was given here . I will give the second message here under this serious alerts series. Please read the first part of the message in the link above so that you can understand the second part of the message which is continued below.

In a dream, I was preaching in a place. A mad man had already preached in the same place to the same set of people and I continued preaching and explaining the message the mad man preached to the same people. Again, you can see the link above for the detail of what both the mad man and I preached.

Then suddenly, I received signal that rapture was to take place. Immediately I made myself ready to be caught up. I stretched my hands up but I was not caught up. I tried severally to be caught up but I just could not be caught. I became worried and confused why I could not be caught up into the heavenlies.

Then suddenly I realized I was holding a piece of condom that had been bloated with air like a balloon in my hand. If you looked at it, you would think it was a balloon but indeed it was a condom that had been puffed with air like balloon.

Immediately, I realized this, I dropped the ‘condom balloon’ and I was caught up immediately into the heavenlies. I was caught up so high to where the moon was.

I opened my eyes and the dream ended.

Dream Interpretation                                                                   
I am cautious about given a specific interpretation of this dream to mean the use of contraceptives since if I must do that I must have a scripture to back it up. However, the only scriptural backing that can go with this dream is found in 2 Corinthians 6:17 which says

2 Corinthians 6:17                                                                    
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

This scripture is corroborated by Isaiah 52:11

From the underlined scripture above, we can see that God instructed that we must not touch unclean thing if He must receive us. This is in turn talking about separation. This can explain why I could not be caught up in my dream because of the condom which I held which  I suppose was the unclean thing in my hand which hindered me from being raptured. And immediately I dropped the condom, I was received.

In view of this interpretation, I can say that condom is an unclean thing for believers. We must particularly pray for God to reveal any unclean things that are in our hands, home or life so that we can drop them and God can receive us at rapture. Other things may be the contraceptive materials you asked about or not. Only God can reveal but I think this is an insight.

In reality, I don't use condom with my wife. I think God just want to show me something to share with body of Christ.

Thank you and God bless.

Please kindly permit me to use your question along with the post. Your identity will not be disclosed.


Lastly, I will like to say again that I do not use condom and do not have it as a possession in my home. I think God just want to show me something about condom to share with body of Christ and perhaps some other unclean things as we prepare for the return of Christ.

In the Preparing For Rapture, Part 8, which is titled Separation From Worldliness/World, there are many unclean and abominable items that we are required to do away with from our homes and lives. You can see them again here. But most importantly, pray that God should reveal to you what you should do away with either as physical items or what actions you do.

JESUS is indeed coming. Stay ready in absolute Repentance, Holiness and Rigteousness.

Confess your sins to JESUS CHRIST and ask Him to save you.                 
Repent of your sins constantly on daily basis and run away from sins.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Live in Holiness and Righteousness.
Do all Restitutions.                                                                                        Cut off all worldliness.                                                                     
Forgive all people.                                                                                   
Pray and Fast.                                                                            
Consecrate and Study The Bible.                                                         