The Tripartite Impersonations of the End-time False Prophets
Mathew 24:11
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many
There had always been false prophets since the time of the old testament. However, the Lord, Jesus Christ, prophesied that at the end of time, the time of His return to rapture the saints, there would be proliferation of false prophets, with only one aim – to deceive many people by spiritual means.
Proliferation means rapid increase in the number or amount of something. In other words, there will be a visible but rapid turn out of false prophets/pastors and the likes.
The false prophets, whom will be raised by the devil in the end-time, have one primary assignment – to deceive all human beings, especially Christians and cause them to miss the rapture through the deceptions.
Their mode of operation is mainly by impersonation; a tripartite impersonation; a three-dimensional deception, highlighted below.
-i. Impersonation of the Lord, Jesus Christ
Mathew 24:5
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
In recent years, the number of ‘spiritual people’ claiming to be the Lord, Jesus, or God the Father or even the Holy Spirit has risen so high. Once, anyone addresses himself/herself as such, then the person is a false prophet sent out by devil to deceive you. You should not follow them.
-ii Impersonation of true servants of God through working of signs/wonders
Working of great signs and wonders are supposed to be the hallmark of true servants of God because through such, the gospel will be confirmed and people will believe. However, the false prophets of these end-time will also commit to working great signs and wonders to make people believe they are genuine servants of God and, by such, deceive people to believe them.
Remember, the magicians/sorcerers of pharaoh also turned their rods to serpent like Moses did.
-iii. Impersonation of the True Gospel
The false prophets will also be impersonating the gospel. They will be preaching a skewed, perverted message that will lead whoever believe them to hell.
The bible refers to these messages as another gospel in Galatians 1:8 and doctrines of the devils in 1 Timothy 4:1
1 Timothy 4:1 KJV
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing a spirits, and doctrines of devils;
The following tips are useful to apply to make sure you did not follow a false prophet because of his 'great signs and wonders' and his doctrines of the devils.
-a. He calls Himself Jesus Christ or New Messiah
-b. He does miracles but does not preach Salvation in Jesus Christ
-c. He commercializes the signs and wonders.
-d. He does signs/wonders for showmanship.
-e. He does not rebuke sin nor warn people of the dangers of sin.
-f. He denies Jesus as the Only Saviour.
-g. He denies the Father and the Son.
-h. He introduces image worship.
-i. He is fetish. He uses to charms and enchantment.
-j. He admits that all religions are serving the same God and brings them together as one for worship.
-k. He does not reference the bible or references other religious books as authority for his preaching
-l. among others.
Based on the above teaching, we can conclude that truly, false prophets abound everywhere. The scripture is fulfilling.
When you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the door.
Jesus is coming. Stay ready in absolute Repentance, watchfulness and holiness.
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